Friday, September 21, 2012

Search for "How do I Qualify for"

This is nuts....


  1. I entered "how do i qualify for" into Google's search engine and received essentially the same thing: 165,000,000 results, and they all point to public aid of some sort of another.

  2. SER, Thanks, being one of the 47% that Mitt thinks are essentially parasites, It's good information. Perhaps we should send more money to Haiti, and all the other countries that are suffering? I fucking pay taxes, and suggest If we didn't give It to everybody else In the World, we would have money to support the people that need help In OUR country? SORRY, but that Is EXATELY how I feel.

  3. Where is the common sense party? Seems to me both sides have a problem with extremes. I absolutely HATE the onslaught of these political commercials. Both sides are skewing the data and coming to irrational and often nonfactual conclusions. How can anyone believe anything anymore?

    I agree that there are a lot of people out there playing and bilking the system... but deal with that, then. When it comes down to denying children the same potential for bettering themselves through education, denying those who really need a safety net, screwing people out of their retirement and medicare, shutting off lights in the streets, reducing police, fire, snowplowing and garbage services.. because we're "broke," it makes me damn mad. There always seems to be money to throw around for pet projects and for war.

    Don't even get me started on making laws to reduce the freedom and rights of "some" Americans: women/children/poor/elderly/gay. I don't want religious priorities and prejudices legislated into government. It has no business there.

  4. KK, Hooray, Hooray. Gee that rhymes.

  5. SER, Please don't take my comment In any way other than expressing MY opinion. Everybody has the right to disagree with anything I say. The only place I draw the line, Is personal attacks.
