Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my ghouls and goblins!  How are you?  Trick or treat! Today is the day and tonight is the night for strange occurrences and spooky apparitions.  Beware. The undead will walk amongst us - even more so than usual.  Ha-ha!  Halloween humor. Today is a day when you can dress up really, really weird and no one will care.  In fact, you’ll probably be complimented.  Whatever your fantasy, you can live it today.  As long as it’s legal, that is.  I’m thinking of dressing up in a generic gypsy costume with a turban.  I’ll carry a crystal ball and call myself a psychic.  Ha-ha, again. Happy Halloween!

Our magnificent, marvelous, masterly Green Bay Packers tamed the Jaguars last week.  Another win for the Pack.  The beat goes on.  This Sunday, November 4, the Arizona Cardinals get their wings clipped by the Packers at Lambeau Field, noon. O mighty Pack, drop those Cardinals like a bad habit.  Get in their faces mercilessly.  Cripple them permanently.  Go Pack!

Well, my dear Irregulars, I’m testing the waters of the internet.  Nothing too fancy: Ask YourFree Fortune Teller!   Tell me what you think.  Today I may be a “free fortune teller,” but if things go well, I will make some moola off of this.

We had all sorts of trick-or-treaters visit our home on Sunday evening.   Señor Zanza and I put on quite a show for Halloween. Some of those kids will probably be psychologically scarred for life.  All the candy and other treats were gone by evening’s end.  Junior made sure of that. 

I feel so bad for all of the people affected by Hurricane Sandy.  I’m sending them good vibes day and night, as well as praying for them.  Our weather sure has been screwed up.  Mother Nature is acting nuts.  I wonder if she’s off her meds again?  Oh dear. 

By this time next week, the presidential election will be over.  We may not have a winner, but the election will be done.  The Electoral College is a strange place and it’s difficult to predict what they will do.  In any case, I’ll be happy just to be rid of the robocalls and mass mailings, though I know the arguments will continue to take place.  We may become a nation at war with itself.  Remember: "A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Thank you for reading my blog today.  I enjoy writing it and I hope that you enjoy reading it.  Together, we can do anything.

Why do fools fall in love?  Find out:

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour this Sunday, or you’ll be early for everything.  Daylight Saving Time ends and the long, dark nights of winter begin.  Brr.  Stay warm, my dears.  Sacredotal!  


  1. MZ...I started reading your first paragraph and thought you were speaking of Racine City Hall...!

    Hello, my ghouls and goblins! How
    are you? Trick or treat! Today is the day and tonight is the night for strange occurrences and spooky apparitions. Beware. The undead will walk amongst us - even more so than usual.

  2. Gee, Mme. I tried out your website and received nothing but depressing answers. My bad, I guess I need to ask more upbeat questions?

  3. Love this weeks picture Madame.

  4. I asked her if I would be rich, and she said, "Probably so." I left good enough alone and didn't ask any more.

    Thanks, Mme. Z.
