Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Pictures!

Yes it is that time of the year. The reason I like this time of the year is to see what kind of costumes the little kids are going to wear also to see how crazy people decorate their houses. We just happened to stop and get some pictures this year. We didn't plan on going out and getting Halloween pictures when we seen these houses. The one above was on the north side of Racine.

 This picture is also on the north side of Racine at the same house.

This picture is on Main St in Racine.  I had to stop and take this picture from across the street.

This picture was taken on the north side of Racine across the street from the first picture.

This picture was taken the weekend my grandson was born up in the Menominee Reservation. Yes I stop on the side of the road to get this picture. The next two are going to be from the same house.

I hope everyone enjoys the Halloween pictures that we have taken this year. Please feel free to leave any comments. Happy Halloween to everyone!


  1. Happy Halloween THB... very nice pics! Thanks!

  2. I always enjoy your pictures TLC. Keep them coming.

  3. Happy Halloween.. Oh how I miss it.. I wish the Swedes would get it.. I so wish I could take my girls around trick or treating.. Thanks for the pictures, they are fun to see..

  4. Great shots THB, keep'em coming.
    I see you caught Orbs in the last pic

  5. It takes one to know one.

    Great pictures. I was out yesterday while the kids were trick or treating. I hope they had a great time. They sure looked like they were having fun.

    When I got closer to home, I saw some "kids" trick or treating who looked to be about 18 or 20 years old. They were shouting obscenities.
