Friday, October 12, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

Glub, glub.


  1. I hope this means you guys were able to get some sleep, I'm up for the day, hoping it goes by fast and nicely, off tomorrow and so looking forward to sleeping in! Have a good one!

  2. I hope your day flies by, lizardmom. Catch some zzz's tonight and tomorrow. I hope everyone else has a good day, too.


  3. I was thinking the same thing. Glad some people could sleep last night...I sure wish I could have!

  4. I was up and could have claimed the #1 spot... just sick of complaining. Well, I'm. Up again and off to have a P&P day. Cheers. TFGIF!

  5. We are going to be leaving soon to go up north. My son's girlfriend is going to be having my grandson today. So we will be gone for the weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  6. I slept like a baby last night...that Icy Hot Patch works! Glad I found something. Have a great weekend, folks.

  7. It's Friday!!!!! Have a great day everyone.

  8. Wow...8th? I hope each and everyone of you has a P & P day, good to see KK got a head start. Speaking of heads...
    Two hats were hanging on a hat rack, one hat said to the other, " you stay here, I'll go on a head."
    OK, I can do better
    Confucious say " He who farts in church sits in his own pew."
    More later if you can handle it.

  9. Since I can tell you are all begging me for more...

    I changed my iPhone to's syncing now.
    2 silkworms had a race...they ended up in a tie.
    Pharmacist = helper on the farm
    Parasites = what you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower
    Eyedropper = clumsy ophthalmologist

    Ya'll let me know when you're ready for more. As Jimmy Durant said" I got a million of them"

  10. Jedwis..your postings are so funny.
    THB...congratulations on the new grandbaby.

    And to the rest of you... have a great weekend!

    I am spending time with my grandson who is now in 8th grade in a Racine school and who is 6 feet tall!

  11. wow, today I was called a mix between a cyborg/transformer/bionic... guess the younger generation just can't keep up (and they thought i had a bomb)
    (ok, it's a TENS unit zapper thingie for my sore shoulder that I had hooked up to me at work today, barely noticable except when I took it out to turn it off or on, that freaked them out a little...bahaha! can STILL run circles around them all while sore, wimps!

  12. Confucius also say " He who screw girl in strawberry patch get ass in jam"
    So Jed, start on the million of them cause we all want more.
    And don't drop on the pondering also.
