Friday, October 26, 2012

Open Blog - Friday




  1. Good morning all.. Heading into town today hitting up IKEA for some things for our newly redecorated kitchen.. and new bathroom towels (the ones we have are about 13 years old and now resemble more like rags than anything else) but first my husband has surprised me with the face that we are having a "fika" (for those who took the Swedish lesson I put up) and now will spend my day off scrubbing my house because I have gotten away from keeping it up to my standard since working.. YAY

  2. wow, I woke up to find they've named a wicked hurricane after me...not sure if I should be flattered or insulted. I know I'm capable of big messes but that's a little extreme :)

  3. Shhhhhh, you smell that?

  4. What am I listening for DodgeBoy. Right now I'm too cold to think. Shorts and t-shirt on Wednesday, winter coat today.

    It's FRIDAY!!!!!!

  5. Work can wait...I need the 5th...anyone else in? OK, enough said, I hope everyone has a P & P day.

  6. Dang, Jed, i just missed out on the 5th.

  7. I'm big on sharing SER, bring some cups and olives.

  8. See DodgeBoy - I told you I was cold and not thinking correctly.
    Jed - happy to see you back.

  9. Dodge Boy... do you need to say, "Excuse me?" ;>

    Jed... no work today. I'll join you you boys. Let me just finish this morning cup of coffee. :)

  10. know what goes good with coffee? How bout some Bailey's.

  11. Well here is a blast from the past. A woman with rollers in her hair going to the nail salon. She needed a bubushka. :}

  12. Mary, I'm confused...I wear rollers in my hair at the beauty parlor all the time.

  13. In the Way Too Much info category, I bought a new toilet seat on sale at Menards. A bidet toilet seat to be exact. Without overloading you guys with TMI, if you know any spinal cord injured people, push one of these things on em. They will thank you profusely if they buy one.

    As for the rest, heated seat, heated water. adjustable temperature of water and seat, air blast dry, aerated water flow, adjustable nozzle placement, adjustable water pressure, and.... (I am not making this up) a feminine massage. Yes, my jaw dropped also.

    American made in Illinois, no less. I see a lot less toilet paper in my future.

  14. That settles it. Next party is at huck's house. The line forms to the left. ;>

  15. Jed - why does that not surprise me? I didn't know people put rollers in their hair any more much less go out in them.

  16. Jed..Olives in tequila, never had that.

  17. Just worms right SER?
