Monday, October 29, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

Betty Boop is Dutch?


  1. Betty is Dutch....damn if I know, but she's a hottie no matter where she wants to be from..

  2. looking forward to an extra hour of sleep next weekend, it can't come soon enough!

  3. We moved our clocks this past weekend..

    It's a week off of school this week.. Fall break, I asked to be off of work so that the girls could get a good vacation as well.. We'll be taking it easy all week as we have all been fighting colds..

    I hope you all have a nice Monday, time to get some breakfast..

  4. Thanks for reminding me odf that , Lizardmom. I have to work next weekend and it would totally suck to go in an hour early. : )

  5. Hello everyone. Monday, again.

  6. Yes, it is certainly Monday. It looks like it, it feels like it, and it even smells like it!

  7. kk...good thing we didn't step in it.... :/

  8. No matter what kind of day we are having please think about those people on the east coast. The pictures are unbelievable. Atlantic City underwater and the main storm hasn't hit yet.

  9. no Monday is complete without a full or nearly full moon... geesh, people were super rude and insane today, can I hide until it shrinks???

  10. Lizardmom, you are right,The full moon brings out all the crazies.
    As for the east coast, the beginning of the end of the Mayan calendar may appear to be real. It's going to be a mess for several weeks for millions.
    I hope the best of humanity shows for the people in need.
