Monday, October 8, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

I'd join you, but my head's too big.


  1.'s here again...gezzzz

  2. monday,monday , you can't trust this day....
    LA LA LA........

  3. Number three? Damn, I thought I'd be first for sure.

  4. Good morning.. Almost looking forward to a new week of work after a weekend with a house full of 6 year olds.. There has been enough noise in this house to last a lifetime.. We had a good time none the less.. We all need a sugar detox though.. Have a great Monday!

  5. Gee, a 5th at this hour? Might as well forget hitting the sheets at this hour.

  6. whoa, nobody can sleep ? hope you guys get some rest, this week looks to be brutal, at least for me, come on Friday!

  7. Seventh? Poor Jed....had no chance today.
    Great start to the week: carless. It was almost done with repairs and decided to create another problem: broken brake line. I now get to call around and see who gets to take more of my money now. :/

  8. All I can say for right now is brrrr. It's 31 but heading to 67 which is pretty good.
    Have a good day everyone.

  9. I went to bed and slept after working a very long day...and then back for more this morning...
    Can someone explain why it is good to be the first one? Is there a prize?

  10. BL Basketcase...5th you win a 5th for 5th...only thing is they're all locked up in the warehouse and the key is lost!

  11. 1st is always just fun to see who gets it, somebody that is still up, somebody that has to get up insanely early (like me...), just for fun, no other excitement, just good to be 'home' and checking in

  12. accomplished so far - woke up way early, opened at work, had lunch with the kid, heading back to work for 3 hours, then to a funeral, then bed, lather , rinse repeat tomorrow, minus going back to work a 2nd time for the day and the funeral....
    5 opens in a row with something going after work 3 or 4 of the days, looks like Friday I shall just go *splat*
    don't wake me Saturday, I think I'll sleep ALLLLLLLLLL day, sounds good to me!

  13. Here is an FYI for you guys. The space station will be flying over starting tomorrow night. I think for the next few days as well.

  14. Is it still Monday? I'll share that 5th if you need some.

  15. Still have that bottle of KBS...

  16. Lizardmom gets more done in a day than I do in a week.

  17. Off to bed early... More overtime tomorrow. When does it end?
