Thursday, October 11, 2012

Open Blog - Thursday

Do angels like autumn?


  1. Hi everyone...wake up and enjoy the night, feel like poo poo when you go to work in the morning.

  2. Thanks for the advice, SER. I'm sure I will. grrrr.

  3. a little nippy this morning, guess I should think about turning the heat on, maybe... or how long can we hold out before we cave in?
    stay warm and have a great day all!!

  4. Good morning, the heat has been on here for quite a few weeks now, waking up to frost in tne morning..

    Yesterday was a day off for me, kept the girls home for a nice cozy day at home playing with Mina's new toys she got for her birthday.. Ended up that they played only with each other I got bored and started to prepare the kitchen for painting.. Was just going to fill the holes but ended up filling the holes, sanding and putting down the base coat of paint... I'm no good at doing nothing at home like I said I was going to do... So now today I will be putting at least one coat of paint down two hopefully, but will have to see how long between coats I have to wait... Will be nice getting this done..

    Have a great Thursday!

  5. 5th...yeah baby, the stock was getting low.

    Now, can't we all go and be P & P like Why Not?

    Since we all need our shot of caffeine, how does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.

    If Will Smith committed a crime, would he leave fresh prints?

  6. BTW...nice pumpkin, whoever does that thingy...and many thanks to the Sheriff for posting the daily open blog...Thank you Sheriff, you don't go unappreciated.

  7. Coming in at number 6. A nice warm day here and then rain tomorrow. Sweet!

  8. Thanks, Jed. No ones complimented my pumpkin in awhile. ;>

  9. we are not seeing how long we can go without the heat. I almost turned it on yesterday, but I may not do the same next time the temptation comes along...

  10. and that's as long as I lasted...

  11. KK, I've always thought you had nice pumpkins and your turkey is nice as well.

  12. I dton't know If "Angel's like Autumn" or not, but I sure do like that Angel. Do we know her?

  13. Hey, Maybe that Is my sister a NEW Angel? She passed last night just before midnight. She was quite a flirt. She had a crush on her Male Nurse, and enjoyed flirting with him. She's certainly floating somewhere. I'm certain she will be wearing green, because she Is quite Irish. Does anyone think our appearance changes when we die, or does It stay the same. I sure hope It changes. I would like to look like Jeff Chandler.

  14. So sorry to hear of your sisters passing Toad.. I know you mentioned she was inher final days.. I hope she has found her peace, and that your family can their peace.. My thoughts are with you and your family..

  15. Yes, Toad, very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you.

  16. Sorry for your loss, Toad.

    My sister had a huge crush on Jeff Chandler when we were young!

  17. So sorry for your loss Toad, hugs to you dear friend <3

  18. So sorry Toad. Sad to see any Loved One leave us, at least until we all meet again. My warmest regards.
