Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Someone Pooped in my Wheaties this Morning.

We get to turn off street lights, close fire stations, build a round-a-bout in front of City Hall where people from far and wide will come and see and spend their money Fair’s bar and what do I see today; one of the clowns running for President coming into Racine being escorted by at least 6 or more Wisconsin State Patrol Officers, not sure how many Racine Police Officers blocking traffic and several Racine County Sheriffs.

Oh…and don’t forget we get to add MORE money to “Jabber’in Johns” defense fund because he is such a…well everyone knows.

These people running for office brag about the millions of dollars they raised for their campaign let them pay the bill 100% for the additional security our state and local police departments furnish.


  1. Six more days, only six more days.

  2. The election, I mean. We're stuck with lying John and all the other bullshit for two more years, I think.

  3. Oh you been reading my mind Mr. OrbsCorbs. I can't wait, so tired of the bullshit every day.

    One lucky thing, I got rid of my home phone so I don't get all the rah rah calls...

  4. SER, First off, you know the State Patrol Is run by the "Fitzgeralds" DAD.

    As for the candidates paying for It, I thought the campaigns had to, but I'm pretty certain not for the State Patrol?

  5. Orb's, Make and Sell countdown calendars. Make some money off the idiot.

  6. OOhhh... New venture for the JTI? It could be like an advent calendar, with tiny windows that open up to reveal more b.s. each day. On election day, you'd get a small chocolate treat in the shape of the politician for enduring their term of office. It could be a running idea; just replace it each year with the next boob to hold office.

  7. Look at the upside.....

    12/21/12 and all the bullshit is over!

  8. Yeah, we are going out with BLB at her party

  9. Don't drink the cool aid
