Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Comedians on EBay

How much do you love your Twinkies?



  1. THAT'S IT!!!!

    I going and buying all of what is left on the shelves and putting them on Ebay!! I will share some of it on food for the JTI'S

  2. We're pretty good at pot luck, or is it pot liquor? ;> Drew makes these fabulous chicken wings... that are to die for!

    Gee... mess with Twinkies or with Big Bird and you make huge headlines. How much is being said about the real news of the bombing and imminent war in Israel, and our potential involvement? Things are not looking good, there. Our priorities are f'ed up.

  3. I read that the liquidation sale of Hostess and its brands should take 6 months to a year. So, even if your favorite Hostess product will be reborn, it looks like at least 6 months without Ho Hos.

  4. And if they are reborn, will they taste the same?

  5. If they are reborn they should make them like they did originally with the banana flavored filling
