Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The JTI has been busted for its first copyright violation.  In March of this year, OrbsCorbs posted a blog entitled “What Is Beautiful To Me.”  The blog contained a picture that OrbsCorbs said he scanned from a calendar because he couldn’t find a copy online.  That should have been a clue.  It’s not available online because the photographer doesn’t want it available online.

Today, the JTI received an email that said, in part, “Please note that that this photograph is copyright of photographer ‘KS’ and ‘MP’ is its distributer. Nobody has right to distribute this work without author permission. I hope you remedy it. Yours ‘KS’” (Names have been changed to protect the innocent and our butts.)  The offending blog has been removed.

This should serve as a warning to us that copyright is real, even on the internet.  Be careful of what you post.  If there is a copyright symbol © or a statement that the work is copyrighted, do not copy it or reproduce it in any way without the owner's permission. 


  1. By the way, I had a heck of a time trying to format the above blog. I think Huck Finn is right about the problems. This has to be corrected at the Blogger/Google level.

  2. Why me? Why is it always me that gets busted? Why, why, whine, whine.

    I broke the law, but, more importantly, I broke the bonds of trust that the JTI have with each other. I should be banished.

  3. do not copy it or reproduce it in any way without the owners permission Yes, sheriff, I will try to behave. We are usually pretty good about referencing our sources, but I think we've all been guilty of tweaking photos.

    I've found when posting blogs, if I put in all the text first, then insert the picture, the formatting is easier.

  4. p.s., orbs, we don't banish... we just ostracize. lol

  5. Ostrich-ize? Most of our politicians seem to be Osteich-ized too. Don't worry guys, all of my stuff is original and if I didn't want it out there, I wouldn't post it.

  6. I had some really neat artwork of old cars and junkyards. I sent an email to the artist and receive one back stating I could use the pictures on my webpage just as long as all recognition went to him and I had to include his website. On his site you can purchase his artwork. It worked out for both of us, I got to post his pictures and hopefully people who viewed my site also viewed his.

  7. A whie ago Gentile's got a letter from the powers that be stating to cease and desist using an image of superman in their ads. Too funny! Sorry for the late was down.

  8. I understand that Disney and McDonald's are virulent about protecting their copyrights.
