Saturday, November 3, 2012

Five Years of True Friendship

Five years ago on the 30th of October, I buried my husband at West Lawn Cemetery. Seems like yesterday and seems like an eternity. After his funeral, I had to remain in Racine for a week or so to tie up legal stuff. His funeral was on a Tuesday as I recall. That Thursday, the members of JTI put together a gathering at a little restaurant on Highway 20. For the first time in my entire life, I walked into a bar alone. Never had ever done that, even in my single days. LOL. I was greeted with such open arms. It took my breath away to think that these on-line friends of mine, not one of which I knew personally, treated me with such warmth and kindness. Five years later, here we are, still friends with many different political, religious, and personal beliefs. This proves to the world that you don't have to agree on everything in order to remain steadfast friends. Thank you, my friends, for getting me through that time of uncertainty. I made it and I think you can take a great deal of credit for that. Minnie's Mom (MinnesotaChick) spent many a night on the phone with me...She, kk, and 'Abby' as we know her here convinced me that I could try a date with Biggie. All those instant messages, flying back and forth. SER, Toad and Drew gave such support and understanding. I look back and smile. You guys probably smiled a lot at my predicament. How was I to know? We came together as a group of strangers and became such close friends. The internet can be a wondrous thing. Have a terrific weekend, my friends. I love you all!


  1. That was lovely Beejay. Now if you will excuse me I have to go fix a mascara problem.

  2. aww Beejay, we all love you!!
    I can't believe it's been that long already. I remember that 1st meeting, I was there 1st, feeling so intimidated waiting to meet people for the 1st time, but that feeling soon passed as each one that came in felt like family. We've come a long way baby!!
    love you :)

  3. Holy Crap 5 years...

    And you even went dancing...laugh'in, you go girl, we're still here for ya.,


  4. Beejay, What a wonderful note for you to post. I too, have found these STILL unknown very special friends to be remarkable. It truly Is amazing. BIG hearts come from unusual places.

  5. Toad, if you ever come on down our way, please let me know so we can get together with you and the Mrs. :)

  6. very beautiful words.. I was just slightly around at that time, but I have faint memories of this.. I guess I didnt really get into the group until after JTI started.. I'm so happy that you found the support you needed at that time. This does seem to be a great group of people..

  7. I never smiled at your predicament. What you went though was never something to smile about. You are one of my heroes. You were brave throughout: you took a step forward when anyone else would have crawled away and hid. You deserve happiness and I'm so happy that Biggie D. came into your life.

    At the same time, I was going though a very tough spell, being sole care giver to my very sick mom and helping her through the end of her life. All the while, I was trying to keep normalcy with work and family. I was angry and insane. While I didn't go into it too much publicly, the JTI was always there to make me laugh or give me a reality check, when I, too, wanted to run away. My sincerest thanks to all of you.

    What we have here is a gift. I think we all have reasons for being here. Maybe we should thank our former website for their abhorrent behavior which pushed us into forming this wonderful group of friends. And we are so lucky to have new members and friends popping in to keep us fresh.

  8. KK, Does that mean we have to invite MC again?

  9. MC, I had forgotten about that Jerk.

  10. I'm proud to have been banned from the previous site numerous times and I'm proud to have you people as my friends.

  11. I remember telling Tender Heart about wonderful you guys are... Now, she is part of it all and loving it!

  12. we're such a lovable bunch of misfits, hey? :)

  13. Beejay- when I met you and Biggie last year you both made me feel so welcome. Being part of the JTI's is my second family and I am really enjoying it. When I came to my first meeting I didn't know what to expect but I really enjoyed myself. We will always be her for you!♥

  14. I missed that first get-together, but I'm glad I did get to meet most of you later.
    Beejay.. you are a special person who deserves a wonderful life with a wonderful man.
    Take care, my friend.. I hope we will get to meet again, all of you.

    I hope by MC you guys aren't talking about me?

  15. MinnesotaChick, never, ever would we mistake you for MC. I never knew for sure if it was a he or a she. Whoever it was definitely had some issues.

  16. If you really want a blast from the past. I wish "Poor Richard" never left. Of course I never met him, but he certainly was inteligent, and fun.
