Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Main Street bridge to close for four months"

Main Street Bridge at Dusk, originally uploaded by Dennis Jenders

From The Journal Times.com:

"RACINE — If you thought detours were behind you, think again.

"Starting Friday at 9 a.m., the Main Street bridge in Downtown Racine will be closed for four months for painting and repairs, public works officials at City Hall said Tuesday."

Read more: http://www.journaltimes.com/news/local/main-street-bridge-to-close-for-four-months/article_6deaca46-38d4-11e2-a311-001a4bcf887a.html

This is absurd.  Racine has year round road construction projects and detours, some lasting for years. 


  1. you have to do it in the winter, can't be messing up the boat traffic......

    They must have special paint they can use when it's below 60. Oh they'll just come the bridge and heat it........

  2. come the bridge......gezzz


  3. *Sigh* Just when I thought the only detour was on 4 Mile Rd.... Now this. When will the orange barrels ever end?

  4. Ser
    With all the political jag-offs in Racine, they will come the bridge.
    gezzz!!! :>

  5. I just saw this on the JT. I can't read about It, because I'm not dumb enough to pay for It. I thought I was, but I guess I was kidding. Speaking of kidding. FOUR MONTHS. The City must be NUTS. They just built the son of a bitch. Did they ever hear of REGULAR MAINTENANCE? They don't close the SanFransisco Bridge for 10 years to paint etc. DUMB

  6. SER, I wondered about the temperatures and the paint, too.

    I know road salt is terrible for the bridge, and they wash it (and the State Street Bridge) down at least once a year, using fire trucks and hoses.

  7. Seems like an awfully long time to me.

  8. Mary, don’t look at it like a long time, think of it as “job security”! Keeping the people of Racine working…….

  9. They should have made it out of plastic or aluminum.
