Friday, November 2, 2012

Open Blog - Friday



  1. Yes, we finally made it to Friday!

  2. Starting my Friday by babysitting 2 extra kids today.. a 1 year old and a 4 year old.. the 1 year old has a milk protein allergy, so we have to be careful with what she eats.. The 4 year old will keep Maia busy.. should be interesting.. I slept terribly last night so it should be extra interesting.. even though it wasnt all that long ago my girls were 1 i sure have forgotten how much work they are.. man oh man they are in everything..

  3. I don't envy you Why Not, as my kids got older, the tolerance for little ones decreased, weird how stuff changes. We used to do nursery duty at church for years and I couldn't handle it today, guess I'm just getting old? ahaha

  4. It's Friday!!!! Good luck Why Not. Where is Jed?

  5. I guess that makes me 6th. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  6. Today is the last day to vote early.

  7. Huck, THANKS for letting me know that. I had no idea. I guess that means I have to leave the house?

  8. I'm heading out in a little bit. Don't do well in the cold anymore as my hands stop working when they get chilled. Started researching electric clothing. thinking about designing heated gloves.

  9. Wreck it Ralph opens today. I want to go see it. I am thinking about getting a roll of quarters to pay for my ticket. Just seems appropriate.

  10. Huck...thinking about designing heated gloves

    Go to a motorcycle shop, you can buy them there, they plug into cigarette lights!
