Monday, November 5, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

Have a good one, friends.


  1. I'm # 1. That Betty sure makes the rounds!

  2. well tomorrow is the big day.. I dont know how you over there stand it, I'm tired of hearing about the election.. and I'm shielded from the most of it.. I did send my ballot off quite some time ago so I have done my civic duty, feels good.. My husband has sent his off as well and my MIL is in Racine for the actual election.. so we are covered over here.. I do have a friend that refuses to vote..

    anyways a calm week for me.. well I'm home all week taking care of house stuff if you want to call that calm, a lot to catch up on.. still gotta finish up cleaning up the yard for winter, just wish we could get some decent weather to do so.. been putting it off because it's been so cold and wet all the time, but after this summer I need to realize that it's not going to change and just have to bite the bullet..

    Have a good Monday everyone..

  3. It's even gotten bad here. Too many ads but like Legal Stranger said, only 48 more hours.
    Have a good day!

  4. I am here and have today off of work. I am relaxing from the weekend!

  5. I looked at the Fantasy Football standings and couldn't help but noticing that I have the most points scored against me in the entire league. That means you bastards play totally out of your asses every time you match up against me! What kind of conspiracy do you have going there?

    This week I am taking out some frustrations, thank you very much, Doug Martin!

  6. Wednesday I am taking on a new attitude. No matter who wins, it doesn't matter to me. I don't control it, I can't change it, why let it affect me? POolitics has turned into nothing more than team sports. No one seems to become more involved or informed than what the five second sound bites tell them and nothing will change in the end. The lesser of two evils is still evil. From now on I'm voting single party for everything and not worrying about it. Libertarian.

  7. late to the party but still here!
    Big pot of beef stock cooking away on the stove, will put it in jars, fridge it til I have time to can it tomorrow. The house is nice and toasty and humid :)

  8. Betty Boop made her first appearance on August 9, 1930 Betty is regarded as one of the first and most famous sex symbols on the animated screen...

    And she is still a good looker... :O

  9. I'm later to the party.

    I've had an uneasiness in my stomach all day. I just realized it's because of the election tomorrow.

  10. I checked the Irregular League, too. Maybe that's why I was uneasy. I suspect my players of doping, and I don't mean steroids.
