Monday, November 19, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

Everyone have a good day.


  1. No comment.

    What did you expect to read?

    Get real, it's monday and no hoho's.

  2. Slackers!
    I'm first!

    Might be coming to wi next month.. Not a good thing, but maybe will be able to meet up.

  3. So.. I wasn't first! Good night all.. Have a good Monday

  4. MC, You are always welcome in the only State of "sin" by the JTIrr's.

    Must be some type of cosmic connection going on , we should contact hale-bopp about this phenomenon.

  5. Mirror MirrorStar Trek Mirror Mirror opening scene - YouTube

    ► 4:06► 4:06
    Aug 29, 2012 - 4 min - Uploaded by itshiho
    This is one of my favorite star trek episodes and a true classic. I uploaded the opening scene to this one which ...

  6. MC, let me know if you can sneak us in, I'll get the gang together :)

    I only have to survive today at work then I took the rest of the week vacation to get ready for turkey day.

    Looking so forward to sleep, and lots of it! As soon as company leaves Thursday, I'm redecorating for Christmas, the lights are always magical and make me happy and happy is good!

  7. Turn off the sound. Turn on Closed Captioning (CC). Now please tell me what the dialog is. It's both comedic and tragic if you are deaf. I hope I never find out they got a government grant for that travesty of captioning.

  8. LM I am ahead of you. Started the Christmas decorating Saturday night. This year I'm taking it slow.
    Have a great Monday everyone. Like I've said before, it's a short week that will seem like a month.

  9. Perhaps MN.C, would be better for MinnesotaChick, since MC by itself brings up bad Florida memories?

  10. Douglas Avenue is open! Hooray! Which street will they shut down next?

  11. Am I too late for today's party? MiniChick... yes, we will be happy to round up as many irregular party animals we can find.

  12. Guess what? Douglas Avenue was NOT open to all traffic today. The Journal Times lied and hundreds of people drove right into a huge mess. Thanks for usual shitty job, Journal Times.

  13. Maybe it was just a perception that Douglas Ave was open today?The John Dickert Times, just like city hall, are a bunch of amateurs.

  14. I think Minnesota Chick would be first because of the way the sun in the astronomical sense.

  15. That's true BLB, cuz there is like.. A time.. Difference ... It does get darker here faster. But does that affect the time? Am I one minute closer to the end of time? So many questions... Why is it when it snows in MN it comes from the west? But , Racine gets lake effect snow? MN has 10000 lakes +! I haven't heard of lake effect snow here at all!
    And you can bet... If it snows here, most times you in wi will get snow.

  16. I am in such a bad was a horrid day at work... I want to go home and drink a bottle of something that would make me forget

    BUT... I am off tomorrow and I am gonna forget this horrible bureaucratic hell hole and decorate with every piece I have stashed away and out dated.

    JOKE.... what do you get when you mate an octopus and a turkey?

    Drumsticks for everyone!

  17. It will make you two feel better, so I freely give up 1st. today.
    Good Night................

  18. Sorry you are having a bad day BLB. seems to be the norm these days.
    Funny joke.. But are octopus tentacles really classified as legs or arms?

  19. BL B, you'll be okay Monday is coming to a fast end.....

  20. I now declare LS the fastest typer her on Jti. Or I am the slowest.

  21. Legal are a good sport ...almost like another Lance Armstrong stripped of first.

    Minni Chick... you are right about so many questions. The people in Minnesota never mention lake effect snow??? WOW!!!That is uncanny. Maybe because the whole state has constant lake effect it is just taken for granted.

    Also..octopus tentacles are replaced by turkey legs when they are mated....just no one would get breasts.

    Ser..thanks for the mini pep talk. Believe it or helped.

    I wish I had lizardmoms energy.

  22. BLB, it's not actually energy, it's pretty fake, steroids and tons of caffeine. people think I'm a morning person because of the hours I keep (usually get to work around 3am...), but I get up way before that, ingest 2 cans of Pepsi Max (69mg caffeine each) and spend almost an hour with the computer just to get myself going. The caffeine takes over from there.
    Decorating for Christmas is almost necessity for me, without having it all up, it's way too easy to get super depressed, so it's therapy actually :)

  23. I wonder who tampered with the evidence: "posts deleted by author"
