Thursday, November 1, 2012

Open Blog - Thursday

Happy November 1st!


  1. How did it get to be November already? I swear, it was July just yesterday.

  2. starting to feel like I've been hit by a mack truck... guess I'll be making a phone call from or after work... can it be Saturday yet?

  3. The only good thing about it being November is that soon, the political hate commercials will be over. I'm pretty sure, with all the early voting, that the final decision won't be able to be called that night. The race will be too close with all those hand ballots out there.

    Was this part of the president's plan? It could buy him less lame duck days if things were to go poorly for him... and allow him to continue his agenda further into the year with less resistance. Pretty smart on his part to push for early voting.

  4. We are in the 80's so it doesn't feel like November yet. Because of the drought the trees didn't change too much. Now with the November winds they will all be gone shortly.
    And yes, in a few short weeks I will be getting the Christmas decorations out.
    And KK, lucky for us, we live in a red state so we haven't had that many political ads. For that I am grateful. And my political statement of the day is I hope the President gets re-elected.

  5. Break time. Whew, I worked for a whole hour and a half.

    I too am sick of the political ads on TV, radio,telephone calls, and mailers taking up space in my mail box and eventually my garbage can.

    I can't wait until it's over.

    I hope he doesn't!

  6. Well here is something you really don't want to hear. The Police Helicopter is going around in circles over our building. Obviously they are looking for someone. I hope it's not me.

  7. First of November and I am still doing morning run. It gets harder to get up and run as the sunrise gets later (temperature is not an issue here yet!) I usually switch and do evening runs at some point in the fall. Looking at logs from years past, this is the latest in the year I have kept doing morning workouts. See how much longer I keep it up this year.

  8. My neighbor just put a Romney sign In front of their house. I am having a difficult time understanding It. We live In the poorest county In the State. I'm going nuts. I can't get an answer from anybody why they would vote for Romney/Ryan?

  9. DodgeBoy, Perhaps you will say why you want Romney/Ryan to win?

  10. I can't believe it is November that just means I have three birthdays in a row. My youngest daughter Sunday, the 9th is my son and the 12th is my mom. Saturday we are having a surprise birthday party for my daughter she is the one that just moved to Whitewater College. So I decided to give my son and mom their presents right away.
