Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Open Blog - Tuesday

Enjoy your day.


  1. I'll take it... I'm up and my ming goe hundreds of MPH when things aren't right.! Can't sleep and too pist off.

  2. I meant mind goes....SEE! It even affects my typing...what will happen next in the downward spiral!

  3. Every day has a feel except Tuesday.

    BLB, I haven't slept decent in months.... join the crowd. Grrrrr.

  4. Got pills from the doctor... but I wake up at 3 when they wear off and worry the rest of the night about everything imaginable.

    What is different about Tuesdays?

  5. You have twice as much fun because it's "twos day."

  6. Tuesdays always feel like two days in one. Takes so long to wait for Bedtime Games.
    Have a great Tuesday everyone. For some of us, one more day after this.

    Where is Jed?

  7. I stayed up too late thanks to froglover wanting to watch stuff on the DVR.. luckily I had prepped both turkeys last night so all I have to do is throw them in the oven. I woke up at 7, staggered to the kitchen, threw bird #1 in the oven, set an alarm and went back to bed, almost time for #2 to go in. It's so much nicer doing all this mess ahead and having it all cut up and in a nesco for the big day so I can relax more. have a good one guys!

  8. BL, I definately am with YOU today. I didn't necessarly sleep bad, but It's this pissed off attitude, and anxiety that's killing me. The med's last about 2hours, and I'm screwed for twice that long. My oldest sister said, "Old age ain't for sissies" It should be Life ain't for sissies? I quit smoking 14 years ago, and have never felt worse. Perhaps I should start again? It might be better than the pills? To the rest of you, I'm sorry to moan, but I think BL, and I may be In the same boat?

  9. Good song. Forgot about It. Lyric's are GREAT.

  10. I drove through the new "roundabout" in front of City Hall. It's an engineering atrocity. I didn't think it was possible, but they spent over a million dollars and made the intersection worse. I and others will go out of our way to avoid the location. Just another thing to be ashamed about Racine.

  11. 2 turkeys cooked and dissected, 10 lbs polish sausage precooked, just needs browning, floors cleaned, curtains washed, big awkward windows pulled out and washed (haven't been in at least 3 years, had a wicked caking of gray all over... eww...), not sure why I'm doing so much that won't even be noticed by more than me, but it's nice to be just about ready with only dishes to do tomorrow and relax, Thursday I will get up, plug in the nesco, make everything hot and viola... done!

  12. OMG.... I felt so loved by all the comments, and EVEN A SONG!! WOW!! Thanks!

    Well, I got up today and said " The sun is out and it is warm! I'm gonna drag all my stuff out and start setting up for Christmas. Kinda like a manic depressive on a good day!! So I did just that! I didn't get anything finished, tho.

    I am also blessed with ADD and kept getting distracted. I would go to garage and forget what I came out there for...then I would start doing something else. Then I would go back in the house and start cleaning again. I finally remembered what I forgot. But then I noticed that the mail came and went to get that. On the way outside, I started picking up garbage....WTF. You know how the rest goes.

    I also have some type of obsessive disorder and felt it necesary to scrub the bird bath and hose down the screens.

    Haven't even started cooking yet. Did I thaw the turkey? Can you put it in the oven frozen and then remove the wrapper when it melts enough?

    Yeah I am definately having that party I decided... I am going to mention it OBSESSIVELY every day.
    It is a 20 min ride for you guys.

  13. Orb's, The State In all of their wisdom Is putting a Roundabout In Mauston, because nobody wants It, I guess? Anyhow, you think you guy's have problems, try to teach a farmer, or a relative of a relative, of a relative (get It) to use a Roundabout. It will be chaos. Of course It's just before the Hospital, so the Ambulance will have NO other way to get through when It's full of idiots. Gotta keep up with the Jonses though.
