Saturday, November 3, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

Have some fun and monkey around.


  1. Yup, pretty all about 99.99% sure I'm done with the whole baby making thing.. wow that was exhausting.. I love this little girl to pieces, but goodness me I got so easily overwhelmed with the little one and then I had to crabby girls of my own.. I made it through and I give tons of credit to those parents of many children.. I think I just got several more gray hairs..

  2. Little kids...little problems....Big kids...Big problems!

    For years I said that "if I knew back then what I know now,I would NEVER have had kids..." it is paying off and they turned out OK! I love them dearly and will always continue to be there for them. Never ever turn your back on them totally.
    Always help, but do not enable.

  3. I knew I could never handle more than 2, no idea how big families do it AND appear sane at the same time!
    time to start setting all clocks and watches behind, oh happy day with a little more sleep!!

  4. I'm lost...a picture of a monkey with big red lips and everyone is talking out kids...Is there some kind of correlation?

  5. I could understand if they were talking about Egyptians.

  6. Oh great, anon took our 5th. Start pouring.... we'll find you! ;>

    Having kids was the best mistake I've ever made. Other people's kids are even better. Enjoy them for a little bit, then send them home when they get sassy or cranky.

  7. I had all my grandkids sleep over one night. We made tents out sheets, ordered pizzas…we had a great time.

    I have a bunch of puzzles for young kids, puzzles that only have 10 or 12 pieces to them; well the kids took them all out and mixed the together. If I had a toy in the house it was out on the floor.

    The next day when my daughters came to get them they wanted to know if they could help clean up…I just said get them outta here.

    It took me two days to straighten out the puzzles and get the place cleaned up.

    But I would do it again…….

  8. I have no kids.

    Everyone have a great weekend.

  9. Had a houseful of kids today... Tender Heart's son, wife and their two kids celebrating their sister's birthday. Had a blast chasing around my "granddaughter"!

  10. Yikes...Christmas is bringing four adults and five children from 18mos to 16 years. Fun, fun. So excited...
