Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Road Rage British Style"

They are so damn polite.


  1. Think if we all could be so civil to one another.. we can be upset but there is no reason to carry on like a screaming monkey.. I like it..

  2. Just for grins one day I drove north on Hy31 from 21st street to HyMM in the center lane at 35 mph. 35 is what the speed limit is. I did this at shift change time, between 3 and 3:30, those people wanted to kill me, blowing the horns, screaming out the wiwndows at me. I just smiled at them at held it at 35.

  3. SER, You should live up here. I do that all the time, and laugh my ass off their entire time I'm doing It. One recent time, a woman passed me on the right. We have no laws here.

  4. In the US, someone would be hit or shot over this.
