Sunday, November 18, 2012

Useless Information

Did you know:
In 1834 Captain Gilbert Knapp founded the settlement of Port Gilbert at the place where the Root River empties into Lake Michigan.
Known today as Racine, Wisconsin!


  1. I think we should change the name back!

  2. Is that monument to him still on Michigan Blvd. at High St? When I was a kid, I thought Knapp was entombed in there.

  3. I thought Knapp was entombed in there

    So did I. I don't think it is there anymore,

    When I was in Germany Monuments are a big thing and some are HUGE, 3- 4 stories high and the people hang out around them. Most of the big ones have steps around them and people sit there and eat their lunch or snack or just sit around and blab with each other.

  4. Hmm, I'm from Racine Wisconsin. I'm from Port Gilbert Wisconsin. I like the second one better.

  5. According to a website I was on he is buried at Mound Cemetary. He had no headstone until a group of Veterans donated one 44years after he died. Maybe one of these days when I am there I will go to the cemetary office and see if I can find him.

  6. I see Wind Point there in that picture . Makes me sick! My x moved there with a woman he met online and gave me 1 hour notice this was happening.... no exaggeration.
    I secretly wish that land would cave into least her property would disappear in the fathoms. So long!!! Karma can really suck.
