Thursday, November 22, 2012

Walden III

My school. First year grad. "RACINE — Walden middle and high school students donated 254 boxes of food and $6,484.42 to the Racine County Food Bank on Wednesday." -- Racine Journal Times Case, Park and Horlick have ALL had larger graduating classes than the entire Walden III student body, yet Walden out shines them like a Nova.


  1. Fantastic! What I know about Walden III is from decades ago, when my then sister-in-law attended. It was great back then, too.

  2. Higher commitments
    Higher expectations
    Higher results

  3. The teachers that founded Walden were Park teachers, and were far more dedicated to their students than the ones elswhere. A great example of CLASS SIZE being important.

  4. Let's get real, here. Walden, like private schools, does not have to educate the criminals and the ne'er do wells. They ship those quickly back to the 3 public high schools if they won't perform or follow a reasonable course of educational action.

    I will say it again, No Child Left Behind sounds great, but is not applicable in practice. Schools spend 90% of their energy and time on 5% of a population that has no interest in learning. The other students are being robbed.

  5. Sorry KKD, NO I don't buy this excuse for a total lack of community. Have you seen the disrepair Walden endures? You're saying that with the huge student bodies to draw from, the thugs drag everyone else down with them? Bull shit. Yes, Walden does demand responsibility for ones own self. No more than any other school should demand.

  6. Huck, Your correct with you last two words "should demand" Problem Is that It won't happen. I didn't know that they were sent back to the (general population) after causing problems, or no desire. My nephew graduated In perhaps "88" and he did great.

    I couldn't possibly comprehend a teacher etc. getting involved with one of the "Thugs" for any reason. They do NOT belong In school. They belong on Taylor Ave. or wherever they house the rotten young eggs these days?

    Huck, For you the times were different. The late 60s and early 70s certainly was not short on violence, but It was controlled far better than today. Politicians think a teacher can just magically teach someone who refuses to learn, and call It "No child left behind" Actually what I am saying, Is between the time you graduated from Walden, and today are not even similar.
