Saturday, December 8, 2012

Even my dogs hate obummer

The one I'm waiting for is the square footage of your roof and the color of it.  Black and it absorbs heat adding to the Global Heating.  I'm sure they can find a way to increase your property tax to fan cool your roof.

The larger your roof the more rain drops it catches thus sending more water down the sewers.

I know, I’m goofy but not as looney tunes as some of those in politics at both the state and federal level

You read this article an you just shake your head.

Poor Dogs


  1. Are we going to get political here also? Let me know so we can do a full court press and include religion.

  2. I give a shit. My dog's worth more than 2.3% to me. Everything Is going up, or the size of thing are getting smaller, thus the price Is going up. Who cares? You don't really think Obama thought of this one by himself do you?

  3. Time for Charlie to get a job and health insurance.
