Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dear Madame Zoltar

Madzme Zoltar is ffeeling under the weather. She hopes to be back next week.  Thasnk you.


  1. Poor Madame, it even affected your typing skills. I hope I didn't share any germs with you when we had our little get together. Tell Senor Z. thanks again for the "special" gift. Please feel better, my friend!

  2. I am really sorry to hear that Madame Z. I hope you feel better real soon.

  3. Get your dancing shoes back on real soon............... See you next year Madame Z.

  4. here's wishing your cooties away, far far away, to better feeling days ahead to you :)

  5. I bet she has what I have: the end of the world flu. I have been in bed for two days straight and I'm told to expect another day or two of that, then a week of slow recovery. And I got the flu shot this year.

  6. I hope you feel better soon Madame. The Irregulars will channel good health wishes to you.

  7. HMMMMMMMMM...KK has the flu....Madame Z.....and Orbs
    has the flu...hmmmmmn.... Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmm.

  8. We're a close knit family... or, maybe kissing cousins, ;>

  9. Then I'm not going to tell ya I was sick two days before the End of the World Party.
