Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. I pray that 2013 will be a better year for everyone. If anyone is going out tonight please be safe and have a designated driver that will make it safe and fun for everyone.

For me I am staying home with the most wonderful man tonight. Yes Drew and I will be home by ourselves tonight. I have two bottles of wine from his mom and dad, a bottle of champagne and we have a bunch of snack food for us tonight. We also went and rented some movies to sit and watch tonight. That will be are night so we are not out in the cold and we don't have to worry about drunk drivers. I do have to work this morning but then I am off the next three days.

Happy New Year to everyone and have a great 2013!


  1. Happy New Year to you two too! We always celebrate (splurge) and get steak and lobster. Tonight we will be in watching the Thunder game. Doesn't get much better.

  2. Not going out tonight, either. My mom used to call this "amateur night."

    Have a nice evening, irregular readers, and stay safe! Can we really be heading into 2013? How did this happen?

  3. Happy New Year to all. & turf, what time do I swing by?

    KK... amateur night, your mother was right, great night to stay out of the bars and off the streets.
    Besides, you've given me a great idea with your head thingy...I'll get a card game going, it looks like KK has 2-Aces and a King. lol

  4. I miss Mom and Dad bringing party hats, horns, etc. home for us. They never really went far. It was only a block to Hammes Tavern.

    My wife and I never really made too much our of New Year's. The headache always sucked.

    Mary, Your idea sounds the best. Lobster Is $22.00 a pound though, and decent meat Is $13.00 a pound here.

    Tender, and Drew, Yours will be a VERY special New Year. Just be safe.

  5. Toad, I was thinking about that this morning. I would bet some of those old tin noisemakers are worth something, if not just nostalgic.

    We would get up, very excited, and run to the dining room table to get first pick. What were our parents thinking, bringing home toys to make such noise at 6 am???

  6. 3 bottles of liquor between 2 people can lead to danger, sex or other things.

    I know... lets get kk's noisemakers and show up by THB and Drew a bit later on....

  7. Happy New Year to you and Drew! I hope you have a very happy New year!

  8. In truth, 3 bottles of liquor would probably nix any possibility of sex. :o

  9. Happy New Year everyone!

    Tender Heart, I think we may have some guests "joining" us....:P

  10. I'll go wherever steak is served.

  11. Surviving the "end of the world" and Irr's epic plagues of this week obviously has had some positive affects on the IRR's thought process.

    Humor seems to be in fashion today.

    All have a safe and comfortable new years eve and new years day tomorrow.

    de beaux rĂªves

  12. kk- I ended up passing out on Drew last night because I was up early in the morning I had to work.

    Orbs- Sorry didn't have the money to get steaks maybe next year for you.
