Monday, December 3, 2012

"I can't believe we made it"

"You've made it."

Made what?


  1. Lunch was at noon, if you were not there…you didn’t eat.

    We played in the rain, if it rained so hard the street gutter were flowing, we would play in the gutter and float things down the street.

  2. OMG, that is so true. Out in the morning, hopefully in for lunch and always in for dinner. Then back out until our mom or someone elses mom told us it was time to go home.
    And SER is right, we played in the rain but took our only pair of shoes off before we did it.
    But there weren't as many people or cars back then either. That made a difference.

  3. Call for Mary, Hi Mrs. N. Is Toad home? Someone on the porch hollering our names for dinner. It was the most wonderful life anyone could ever expect.

    NOW, It MOOOOOOOM I don't have anything to do. Or MOOOOOOOOOOM I'm bored. MOOOOOOM, MOOOOOOM, MOOOOOOM, over and over again. I hear It ALL the time at the store. If I were MOOOOOOOM, I would go hide somewhere. Mom's, are saints.
