Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Open Blog - Tuesday

Only two more weeks until Christmas.


  1. Number three...
    I have the day off and what happens? I wake up early.... not what I planned. Then comes the conundrum...
    do I get up to have more 'time' in my day off or try going back to sleep?
    Obviously I went with option 1. The upside, I plan on knocking out 2 of the varieties off my Christmas cookie making list. One requires softening butter, so before I hit the caffeine (still in progress), I got that into a big bowl so it's ready when I feel a lot more awake.

    I'm hoping the Why Not clan is feeling better today and their snow stopped :)

  2. I need a day off. I have nothing done!

  3. Lisardmom, It softens quite nice In the Microwave. You just have to keep your eye on It.

  4. As for Two Weeks, Bah Humbug. I'd rather go drinking with my dad.
    WAIT, I not ready for that step yet.

  5. Yes Mary? May I be of assistance to you? See, I would work well with people in retail right? Hey lady, you gunna buy that or just have foreplay with it? No sarcastic remarks from me. lol. Everyone, go out and P & P some more. I need some coffee, LM is it ready yet?

  6. the butter is still softening nicely on it's own, I'm on batch #5 of my chocolate rice krispie clusters, a much fought for goodie :) once they set and I can put them away, I'm on to making the mini chip balls/Mexican wedding cakes/Russian teacakes/whatever nationality's name you want to go with or my neutral one :) They are on of miss froggy's fav's. I was so hoping to knock off a few from the list by taking votes on everybody's favorites and eliminating the unwanted ones, but every kind got a few votes... this is why I recruit help :)

  7. Jed... Im sorry I won the fifth too many days. I know you were po'd at me.

  8. Nothing doing BLB...the 5th is there to share...not like TP where you can't spare a square. lol

  9. Jed if you come to my party I will give you a whole darn roll to take home with you for your PP days...consider it a special gift
    of soft Charmin.

  10. There will be Charmin at the party? Now it is certain... I'll be there! lol

  11. Even if the world doesn't end on the 21sr, the fiscal cliff will get us.

  12. KK... if you like CHARMIN that much, I will have your very own roll..."just for you" !!! BUTT
    (haha I said BUTT...) I prefer SCOTT.....just because of the name. I don't want Charmin touching me there!
    Scott... more like it...yes!!!

  13. BL, Scott certainly makes the best "Bung Wad" They should advertise their Big Ass Rolls.

    When I was still working, the women In the office made a huge deal out of the product used In the bathrooms, and actually voted for a certain brand available In bulk. I want to know what the hell difference It makes?

  14. Scott lasts longer when you get that roll. : )

  15. Look where the conversations go to when I vacate the site for a few days.
    Right down the shitter.
    Toilet paper! Charmin, Scott, Northern, Cottonelle
    We are happy to inform our party guests that we have limited availability of 3M 100 grit wet industrial grade paper toiletries made available, it is more durable and rinsable. Go scratch your #$% with that. And good thing they don't make BOB toilet paper :)
    On a serious note.
    If anybody has any special request or needs for the party, please pass them on so we have an opportunity accommodate your concerns.
    10 days and counting down for the Wackiest of the Wacky End of the World Party
