Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday

Next year, a low fiber diet.


  1. Christmas (both eve and day) were nice, now a sore throat is looming when I have a surprise planned, hope it isn't going to be a bust!

  2. I got the flu for Christmas. I don't remember putting it on my wish list.

  3. What a crazy Christmas... cleaning up after the party, immediately STARTING Christmas shopping, coming home anw wrapping for 15 people, cooking a whole meal for Christmas eve. I felt like Super Woman.
    Step Grandson had an accident with getting an elbow in eye from his other brother and ended up in WF Hosp. He was vomiting and was transferred to Childrens. Turned out a fracture in the orbital socket....looked like an MMA fighter.

    The rest of the clan made it over and the dog took a "particular liking" to the youngest grandson and when he was standing or lying on the floor playing with toys.

    DInner was a combo of leftovers from the party and fresh turkey, mashed potatoes and chocolate pie.

    My daughter made me a new picture album that took her hours of work. Many pics included a drunken stepmother on different days eithe lying on the floor passed out in her car in her horse pasture where she drove her car.
    Too funny... what scotch can do!
    She is lucky that she was only on her own property and didnt kill anyone or the horses.

    Other unique gifts I got were shop vac filters, light bulbs,
    a reed diffuser, and a Mr. Coffee.

    Everyone desserted me on Christmas day, as they are grown up and had other places to go....went to eat at a place on I94 just to get away from cooking and cleaning for a bit.

  4. Our Christmas Day snowstorm turned into 1 inch of ice and one inch of snow. Unfortunately it was enough to cancel our Christmas with the in-laws.
    Grandkids coming this weekend so we will celebrate Christmas then.
    Have a great Wednesday everyone. Stay warm.

  5. Get well wishes for you, KK and lizardmom. I dodged most of that this year, but the clock is ticking. The ER docs say that the flu is starting to progress.

    Flu-like symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people also may have vomiting and diarrhea. People may be infected with the flu, and have respiratory symptoms without a fever.

    They say it is still not too late to get flu shot and also use hand sanitizer frequently. Protect yourself from exposures.

  6. Happy day after everyone! Made it through with no illness or broken bones!
    Getting ready for company coming from Racine! I'm so excited!

    BLB... I know who you are talking about!! Know the parents!!

  7. Minnesota what a small world... it really is. The one who got hurt is not my blood grandson ... but I treat all of them as such.

  8. only 363 shopping days to cristmas

  9. BLB, hope the step-grandson is doing okay. Wow, who would think an elbow could cause so much harm? Hope the little guy bounces back quickly.

    Thanks for the well wishes, actually a virus, not the traditional flu. I'll be fine... I have some days off to get over it. Just wish it would have stricken after my guests left.

    Kids at school were dropping left and right on Thursday, so the bug has definitely made its appearance. Unfortunately, Rudolph (post picture) and I have something in common, egad.

  10. I'm so torn... tomorrow is hubby's b-day and we've never been apart for our birthdays (mine is the next day). I wanted to go down there to surprise him, I'm in cahoots with the lady he's renting a room from. If this throat thing doesn't go away by tomorrow am, the big surprise will be a bust :( I'm going to bed super early just to try giving my system a better rested boost, cooties, cookies , go away!

  11. Well I have nothing interesting to say......
