Friday, December 7, 2012

"The Best Way To Keep Cats Off Counters"

OK, maybe it will take the cats a little longer to learn how to drive.


  1. thanks for the big laugh to start my morning, too funny!!

  2. When I had cats, I'd shoot them off the counter with my son's NERF dart gun. Pretty soon, they cats learned the clicking sound of pumping gun and would jump of of the counter before the first shot.

  3. Aw, I feel sorry for the cat, but it's hilarious at the same time.

    Charlie has an attraction to the adhesive on tape. When he hears me ripping off a piece of Scotch or duct tape, he's right there. But he hates having things stuck to him.

  4. Sorry Charlie,
    kitchen counters and tables are off limits for any of my animals, and that includes some of my family.
