Friday, December 28, 2012

This one is for Toad.......


  1. I don't plan to piss people off, but it happens all of the time. Liars hate the truth.

  2. I need to smile more and fret less when I piss people off. It is usually their touchy-ass problem, not mine.

  3. It is hard to make people happy, but a piece of cake to piss 'em off.

  4. SER, It's funny, but I actually have done this. It's mostly City Government, that pisses me off. Today Is a good example. It snowed, so the plows go by the house about 40 times, NEVER even getting close to the curb. Finally In the middle of the night, they do get closer, and the driveway has a load of OLD ice In It, from the previous storm. I told the City Administrator they need to send the City workers to plow school In Racine. I don't even have to try, and I piss people off. My photo hangs below all the counters of businesses In town saying "Watch Out, a real pain In the ass" The owner of one of the "so called" restaurants calls me "Mr personality"
