Thursday, January 31, 2013

Another Fire

"Fire at Burlington food processing plant now seven-alarm"

"BURLINGTON - A seventh alarm has been called on a fire at a food processing plant in Burlington.

"The fire broke out just after 6 p.m., and is at 33102 N. Honey Lake Road in Burlington, the site of Echo Lake Foods.

“'There are some ammonia tanks up there, they are exposed, we called in two more alarms,' said Burlington Mayor Bob Miller. 'We are calling in two more alarms.'”

Read more:

Damn.  I don't think I've heard of a seven-alarm fire before. 


  1. As of 5:30 this morning it is an Eight alarm fire now. The fire is not out yet. The best news is no employees or firemen have been injured.

  2. read on racine uncovered that 83companies from 2 states are fighting it.. wow, what a mess.. hope everyone stays safe..

  3. That is awful. I've never heard of an 8 alarm before. I hope everyone makes it out of this okay.

  4. 10 counties from two states sent equipment. Then there were all the other municipalities that helped cover the ones that went to Burlington, plus the private ambulance companies that covered 911 calls in those 10 counties too. Quite an effort. My company did business with this company. Quite a loss.

  5. 8 alarms. I've never heard of that many. What a fire. What a mess. Thank you to all emergency personnel. I hope the firm had insurance.

  6. If anyone is interested here is a link to see some pictures and read about the fire

    Also if you Google Echo Lake Factory there are a lot more links to see what the fire departments went through last night.

  7. I tried the link for TMJ4. If you just type in for TMJ4 you will see what I was trying to show you.
