Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Audi's automatic driving for parking"

Impressive? I don't know. The video below impresses me more.


  1. Back when I was a kid (don’t go there Toad) I use to read Popular Mechanics Magazine; back then this type of stuff was all crazy future stuff like going to the moon. And here it is…gezzzz.

  2. New cars are too technical and complicated for me.

    you should delete the adriana lima diet, it is avertising. This adriana anonymous is really full of shit

  3. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime but I do believe there will be a day when you can get in your car and tell it where you want to go.

  4. Adriana is history. Every once in awhile (and lately more frequently) these spambots sneak through. You should never click on links if you don't recognize the poster. Could do some serious damage to your operating system.

  5. What happens if one of those automatically parking vehicles meets another one while parking? Who goes first?

  6. SER, Ever notice how most of It never happened? I was alway's amazed at the kitchen stuff, and most of It never happened. I loved watching The Jetson's. BTW. You ain't even old yet.

    Orb's, I don't think I could wait all that time for the car to come to me. I did however enjoy the highspeed parking job. Would really be fun to do.

  7. Toad when I working I used to get a magazine call Alliance Magazine. Every month they had one gizmo and mostly for the kitchen that was futuristic and really cool. They would say look for it on shelves around October 2012. Well 2 years later 2012 was here and no new toaster.

    If I was young and going to build a new house, the kitchen would be a minimum of 20 X 40! Cabinets and counter tops all around with at least 3 islands and stuff hanging above them, and at least 50 electrical outlets on a 200amp service. Never trip a breaker. With a small table that sits 4 off in the corner.

    There are so many cool widgets and gadgets for the kitchen but by the time you take it out, plug it in and blend your ice coffee you could have driven to McDonalds faster. With all the counter space everything would be out ready to go.

    Then you look in the refrigerator and there’s a 12-pac of beer, a bottle of wine and a couple different chunks of cheese!
