Tuesday, January 15, 2013



  1. An easy and tasty way to support a good organization.
    I always buy girl scout cookies, my favorite is chocolate mint.

  2. I'll be buying some this year.. having them sent to my mom.. dont know if I can count on them being there when we get there at the end of May.. One can always hope..

  3. I have to have Thin Mints, Peanut butter (both kinds) and shortbread. They freeze quite well.
    Usually I find the girl scouts selling them in front of grocery stores. Convenience at its' best.

  4. I miss the cream filled mints. Those were the only ones I was ever interested in. I understand it is a fundraiser, but still.... I find it disappointing to open a package of cookies that I paid 3.50 for, to only find 10-15 cookies.

  5. Few years back the neighbor girl, a little princess stopped over…sure I’ll buy some…next day another little princess from the other end of the block stopped…sure no problem.

    Got to work and two of the ladies hit me up for their daughters!

    Well for poop sakes it cost me over $75 dollars that year; I don’t order them anymore.

    I agree with Ms. KK. “I understand it is a fundraiser, but still.... I find it disappointing to open a package of cookies that I paid 3.50 for, to only find 10-15 cookies”. That’s like 1-1/2 sittings with a large glass of milk!

  6. being far away from it all I get to miss out on all the little ones stopping by.. thank goodness because I wouldnt have the heart to turn them away.. brings me back to the days of doing it myself..

    The kids go around selling stuff here around Christmas time, so far they havent really learned that we dont turn them away.. i hope it stays that way..
