Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my no snow angels!  How are you?  I’m still not completely over the flu that Mr. OrbsCorbs gave me. What a holiday present that was.  The gift that keeps on giving.  The strangest part of it is the spacey feeling that overcomes you.  As I approached home the other day, I thought to myself that I should compliment the driver on doing such a good job.  Then I remembered that I was the driver.  Oh my.

Our superlative Green Bay Packers brushed aside the Minnesota Vikings in the first round of playoffs last week.   Next, the Packers meet the San Francisco 49ers this Saturday, January 12, at Candlestick Park, 7 p.m.  Onward, Wisconsin’s sports soldiers!

It’s early in the season, but I think I already have a case of the winter blahs.  After the hype and hoopla of the past few months, January’s dreary tediousness sets in. The gray, gray days and long, dark nights can affect us.  To counter this, I recommend as much Madame Zoltar’s® Liquid Sunshine™ as you can drink.  Be careful.  It’s powerful stuff.  It may make you so happy that you become insufferable to friends and strangers.  All sales final. No refunds.

I don’t know if I’ve had too much Liquid Sunshine™, or not enough.  I’m getting that woozy sensation again.  I think I best lie down for awhile.  It’s two steps forward and one step back with this flu.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog.  I appreciate your efforts.  I hope you find things enjoyable.

Contact me on any matter, great or small:

There should be more snow on the ground. Personally, I hate the stuff, but the landscape needs moisture badly.  And, no, peeing outdoors does not help. Take care of yourselves, my dears.  Uranism!   


  1. Be very caceful when dosing yourself with Mme. Z's Sunshine potion. It has the same effect as spring fever. You might find yourself smooching strangers in the produce aisle!

  2. I'm heading to the g-store to find me some of Mme Z's Moonshine in the produce and when I get smooched I'll go squeeze some cantelopes. lol

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon Mme.Z

  4. I wondered what happened in the produce isle.
    Feelin gooood and high steppin I am

  5. I'm heading to the g-store Dressed only in his G-String...Oh man I hope not.....

  6. I use Liquid Sunshine to clean my truck, and power it.

    Don't blame me for your flu, Mme. Z. Ask the Señor who he's been smooching.

  7. I hope you aren't pointing fingers at me? Mine was only a 24 hour bug! Besides, I never smooch and tell! :o

  8. I'm pointing anywhere but toward me. (However, I have three fingers pointing back at me.)

  9. Um, why would kk think I was talking about her? Guilty conscience, maybe?
