Thursday, January 3, 2013

"King of the Zombies"

One of the best "horror" movies that I know of. It's meant seriously, but second banana Mantan Moreland keeps stealing the show. Hilarious. I bought a copy of this on DVD. A friend and I can recite the lines. Now it's available on YouTube.


  1. As sci-fi goes , the hokier the better.

  2. Still no match with the 1931 classic Dracula starring Bela Lugosi.
    I bid you velcome !

  3. Mantan Moreland:

    Most people don't know of him . Truly one of the most gifted actors of all time. His timing,verbalization, facial expressions and acts were the best in the business.
    We all could still learn many of life's lessons from this very gifted actor by watching his work.
    Take the time to google many of his classic episodes.

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