Friday, January 18, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Have a good day, mates.


  1. Explain this dispairity to me fellow Jtirregulars.

    At the private school that Barak Obama's kids attend, there are eleven armed guards at the Sidwell friends school in Washington D.C... Yes eleven armed guards!

    Would the Jtirregular's care to enlighten me of your ideas as to why his children are more worthy to recieve armed protection in school while our family's do not have the same consideration and protection. Remember that Big Brother is watching, so keep your comments in accordance with the Gun Free School Zone Act of 1990

    Have a great Friday everyone

    andromodo77 has spoken.

  2. Happy Friday.

    The snow sculptors start in on Monument Square today. Check them out sometime this weekend.

  3. A77, my only guess is that their girls are a hot commodity, kidnapping must be of some concern , other than that, nope, got nothin'

    Orbs, sounds good to me, I'll try to remember to head on down, thanks for the heads up.

    Wow, it's nice to breath again, mega steroids kicking in - whew!!!!!!

  4. Secret service has always been provided to presidents and their families. As Liz commented, there is a greater risk of attention from a lunatic of kidnapping or harm due to his occupation.

    This is a ridiculous argument propelled by the NRA, a huge lobbyist group and by ignorant people who buy into government paranoia propaganda.

    There is no current legislation proposed to take away anyones personal gun. They are looking at automatic assault rifles with massive clips... not what your average hunter or person who simply wants a gun for protection uses.

  5. Good Morning All. It's FRIDAY.

    KK - you couldn't have said it better to Andromodo77. Is the NRA so desperate for everyone to have assault rifles that they have to go after the Presidents children?
    And why does John Boehner need secret service protection?

  6. People have to get off the term “Assault”; any weapon is an assault type weapon. It's their type of design that makes them intimidating!

    BUT there is no reason to have a 30 round clip. Those should be strictly for military and law enforcement.

    Besides, more people are killed every year with blunt type objects and most of those are baseball bats. I haven’t heard of anyone wanting to outlaw “Louisville Sluggers”.

    There is no doubt 11 guards is WAY excessive, one per kid should be more then sufficient.

    That’s as bad as O’bamma’s wife; most past First Ladies had from 1 to 3 may be 4 assistants, this arrogant one has 20+. And it’s our money she is pissing away!

  7. SER... I don't think Michelle Obama determines how many secret service agents are assigned to her. As 9/11 has proved, the world is much more violent than it used to be. I believe the secret service determines how many agents are needed for each person they protect.

    When I used the term assault weapon, not being a gun fan, my terminology may be poor. I believe I meant to refer to Multi Clip Automatic Rapid fire weapons. In my mind, that is an assault weapon and is used mostly to kill humans... in war and in criminal activity.

  8. andromodo77, Remember I never read prior posts before posting myself, so my answer to you Is this.

    WTF, Did It occur to you that they are the children of the President of the Most Powerfull country In the World? and their safety Is OUR responsibility, just as the President, and his wife.

    Would you or anybody else want The President of The United States concerned about the care of his children, while he was going about his daily business, and perhaps, not even In the country? I wouldn't. I want his mind on the safety of the rest of us, and to have Background Checks, Ban on Large Clips, Ban on NEW assault rifles, certainly shouldn't intrude on an American's right to protect themselves.

  9. KK, Assault Rifle, Is actually the correct term. ALL "AR" prefixed rifles are that BECAUSE, "AR" Is short for ASSAULT RIFLE, what my answer Is They are, what they are. I will have to look that number of Blunt Object deaths up. Must "Trust But Verify" LOL

  10. SER - you need to go out on Michelle Obama has 24 people on her staff compared to 18-19 that Mrs. Bush had.

    All children deserve and need to be protected by reasonable means.
    Here is the legal loophole in the Gun Free School Zone Act of 1990 that you are missing, private schools are exempt from this 1990 Act.
    Obama's children are no more precious than anybody else's children.
    If we didn't have such morally corrupt bastards in government, we wouldn't have this security need.
    And, if ALL government officials were held accountable for their crimes, we wouldn't be discussing this bullshit.
    Eric Holder and his Attorney General Office knowingly conspired to sell, and sold Assault weapons to known criminals and drug cartels. For What? What? What?
    The government bastards never answered the questions about "FAST AND FURIOUS". Hundreds, YES HUNDREDS of humans have been murdered by this government sanctioned programmed.
    If there weren't criminal acts in Fast and Furious, why didn’t criminal HOLDER come clean, release documents and testify?
    My answer is he is a lying criminal piece of defecate.
    Irregulars I look forward to all your answers on this question:
    Why did criminal Obama use executive privilege to protect his criminal buddy Holder?
    Hoping some of you has very good answers, because I cannot come up with even one
    Eric Holder and all co-conspirators must be held accountable for MURDER- CONSPIRACY TO MURDER and TREASON.
    I see the outcry for banning assault rifle ownership by law abiding citizens who have done nothing immoral, but where is the rage against our evil government bastards who have conspired and committed murder . ………. MINDLESS SHEEPLE….hear no evil ,see no evil, do no evil ……..RIGHT

  12. My kind of discussion, Evil government
    Fast and Furious:
    What DID Asshole Holder and his band of murdering clowns think they were selling?
    Squirt guns?
    And what possible civic good could become of known
    criminals and drug cartels attaining assault weapons ? WTF! WTF!
    Where is the demand for accountability of public servants.?
    I am now doing some research on this subject, my thoughts and findings to follow.
    Until then ,
    chill and enjoy

  13. Our government is corrupt. I suspect all of them are. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  14. It's not just the government that is corrupt... half the people that walk amongst us are just that.

    Yes people have the right to keep and bear arms...

    Anything, whatever your method to kill someone, is available. I can get dynomite, I can still rent a u haul truck, I can get in a plane and start a fire. I can stab, or poisen, or booby trap. It is not about a gun, but about the state of mind of a cold blodded killer.

    Guns aren't the issue....fix the crazies.

    Guns work faster than it takes for cops to respond.

    All kids deserve protection..but the president's are more of a target.

    yada yada yada... rock paper scissors anyone?

  15. Click here to read a very interesting article about the differences between the sexes on the topic of gun control.

    This could turn into a long heated battle but and I’m just not up to a verbal confrontation knowing my opponents are not mentally “armed” enough. Laugh’in
