Friday, January 25, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Thank you, Betty.


  1. Wow... I'm good at this early snowy morn

  2. whoa Betty....

    2nd at 8am? Sure hope that means our insomniacs finally got some sleep. Stay toasty and safe, I see a little snow out there and that makes the crazies crazier. Today's plan - hibernate and undecorate finally

  3. Wow Betty is really decked out today isn't she?

    Looks like snow for you guys. Stay safe everyone.

  4. I just got back from a bike ride and walking my dog. Beautiful, cool Florida morning. About 60.
    You guys have a great day and weekend.

  5. She was a scamp, a camp and a bit of a tramp, she was a V-A-M-P, Vamp!

  6. Never thought I'd see a Sonny & Cher reference. Oh well, hang around long enough and you see everything. Speaking of which, I've seen enough of Betty's T & A.

  7. I agree with lizardmom about hibernating today. That is why I am getting a slow start today. I was staying nice and warm under the covers after Drew left for work.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and be very careful if you have to go out.

    Beejay- Keep rubbing it in to us up here. We still love you!

  8. There is something wrong with SER's shopping post. It went crazy when I tried to post and gave me a real hard time getting out.

  9. Betty needs to cover her A. This is a family site! lol.

    I wish ma nature would stop shaking the snow globe. It was very slippery this morning.

  10. I hibernated but got so much done, all Christmas decorations are down :( Valentines is up, all floors seriously scrubbed, wood floor polished, even started cleaning the shower ... blame it on the steroids and breathing... tomorrow I think I earned some fun!

  11. Bring it on Betty...when your hot your hot...!!!
