Monday, January 7, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

Same to you.


  1. Pork fried rice and shrimp egg rolls may be effective anti-influenza agents.

    Quote from an email SER sent me: "Old age is like flying a plane through a storm. Once you're aboard, there's nothing you can do."

  2. Happy Monday! Back to work after two weeks off... A bit of a shock to the system... Will be lots of work to do today, so it should keep me from falling asleep.. Anyways just checking in before I head out for the day... Take it easy!

  3. I didn't feel great all weekend, hubby was going to pick up the 'cure all Sunday soup' - cream of chicken rice that many of the local restaurants have only on Sundays, only to find the one he went to didn't have it... so Mrs. Grass's it was... glad you found your cure Orbs!

  4. Hello everyone....back to the grind

  5. Hi ho, hi ho.... did anyone see my dwarfs?

  6. Good Morning all. Today is the first day of the long period we get to go without a "holiday" off. Almost 6 months to be exact.

    I must say it was a great game yesterday. GO PACK GO!

  7. Ummm....7th on the 7th hows about dat? Mary, Mary...don't forget MLK day on Jan 21st, I celebrate good times, com'on. KK has lost her dwarfs...maybe the dingo ate your dwarfs? lol

  8. Kk. Didn't you marry 3 dwarfs while in HS? I'm sure you admitted to that at on time... Correct me if I am wrong.

  9. Jed - I stand corrected. It will be Memorial Day before I get a holiday off. Oops.
    What is interesting to me is up there a lot of people get Good Friday off. I live in the bible belt and I don't know of anyone who gets that day off.

  10. Orb's, Poke flied wice, I love that. I miss Whey Chi. He made good EggFooYung. I make my own up here. The Chinese place doesn't know how to make the gravy. Too cheap!! they put the clear stuff on. I hate It.

  11. lizardmom, I've had my share of Mr. Grass' chicken soup the past few weeks.

    Toad, Whey Chai is where I get my Chinese food. Yum. I bought some more carryout today even though I'm not hungry. When I am, the food will be there. It's cheap and reheats great.

    You'll never hear me whine more than when I'm sick. Injuries, pain, I can take. When I get sick, though, I become childish.

  12. Uh, Mrs. Grass. I don't know what the old man is peddling.

  13. BLB, the legality of whether or not that encounter constituted marriage is still under question. The settlement doesn't allow me to discuss it.... ;>

  14. When they give Good Friday off up here, they called it "Spring Break."

    Two meals already out of the carryout. (When you eat Chinese, you're always hungry again an hour later. It's true.) Maybe I should have married an Asian cook.

    Btw, I believe kk to be above reproach in all areas of life.

  15. And Kk... I know Wisconsin does not recognize common law. That can be a wonderful thing! How did u get 7 of them after settling with the other 3? Or did u reconcile with the three and find 4 more or did they have offspring? Just wondering....

  16. Orbs if you married an Asian cook would you be horny again 20 minutes after having sex? HMMMMMM.
