Monday, January 21, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

Enjoy your day.


  1. can Monday's get recalled and never come back? that would be nice, I could sure use another Saturday!

  2. good morning all.. Today the girls and I are home together.. Friday and Saturday we were up in Stockholm renewing Mina's American passport.. It was quite interesting walking around on the row of different embassies and they were all very pretty buildings with open gates and no real security.. When you walk up to the American Embassy it looks like a prison with razor wire and all.. after making an appointment several weeks in advance, you stand outside waiting for a guard to call you in and before that you have to stand on a line turn around and show them the bottom of your shoes, then you may enter the guard shack.. there you had to take off your jacket and go through a metal detector and you had to hand in all of your electronics, that you could pick up on your way out.. luckily the metal detector was not too strong that an underwire bra or shoes would set it off.. after all of that you could finally leave the guard shack and go into the embassy.. the place was pretty much dead with only one other family there right then.. stand in line hand in the pile of different paperwork we needed to collect and have with us, go to another line to pay for the passport (105 dollars!!!) go back to the original line show them the receipt that we paid, talk to the lady she looks us over to make sure we are the same people on the passport and that Mina was the same child (her original passport was from when she was 6 months old)and after all of that we could leave again collect our electronics and head on our way again with a promise that her passport will be returned to us in about 3-4 weeks..

    this was quite the difference from getting the Swedish passport.. where you go to the police station, talk to the lady at the counter, show ID, they take her picture there, take her fingerprints we pay (50 dollars) and say you can come back within a week (they would send us a text message when it was ready) and pick it up..

    anyways all of that is on its way and hopefully soon we will have our passports soon so we can finally book some tickets for this summer..


    If you didn't have a Monday to bitch about what day would be next?

    Well maybe you can “Blame it on the Bossa Nova”…or the "Boogie"

  4. When my kids were in school, I used to say "Thank God it's Monday!" Times have really changed,and to make it worse....opening the door to that big blast of frigid wind chilling me right to the bone.

    Hope you all have a PP week.

  5. YIPES is it cold out !!!!! I made the mistake of dashing outside in my PJs to grab the paper and pritnear froze my lugnuts off.

    I told the paperboy I wanted the paper by the back door. To me that means I open the back door, reach my arm out and pick up the paper. To him it means somewhere within a 50 foot radius of my door.

    Hey BL, what kind of Barbie is that? Looks like a Gangster/Mike Tyson hybrid.

  6. We enjoyed the high 60's all weekend which was wonderful. Today the windchill will put us in the 20's. If it's going to be cold I might as well be at work.
    Have a great Monday everyone.

  7. If Mondays are a gift, we need more festive wrapping paper.

    Why Not, for all the do gooding and the zillions of dollars we dole out to foreign aid, and military protection we provide, we are one of the most hated countries... and pretty high on the terrorist target list. Something is very wrong with that.

    PS. What was with that blast of snow and wind? Doesn't ma nature know it isn't supposed to snow when it is cold enough to freeze your digits off?

  8. kk.... my fingers AND a** were frozen. Mother Nature is always creul. I have always, generally,
    had great weather days when I am stuck in buildings for many hours at a time.

    What makes Monday guilt if I crack open a bottle of wine....Plus there is usually some great leftovers to snack on.

    Monday keeps us focused, responsible, humble, tuned in, and appreciative. It makes me look forward to the day off I have coming, eventually.

    When your day off does come, finally, it really does bite when your date does not show up until 4 hours later than he was supposed to.
    REALLY? My time is not important?
    Fooey on you.

  9. At 4:00a.m. this morning, I was taking my Black Lab outside, In my underwear to pee. I have to walk him out like wheeling a wheel barrow. His hind legs don't work anymore, and he makes a little wimper, when he needs to go. I always wonder what the people driving by think? I must admit. It was damn cold this morning. -8 as a matter of fact. I LOVE my dog.

  10. I would think, TOAD, that you must be thinking it was nice and warm and you were starting your garden
    with a new batch of DOGwood...and you were going to sprinkle or tinkle.

  11. Why Not, what a story about getting the passport. I'm surprised that they didn't pat you down. So much bureaucracy.

    I went to the store and got a blast of that north wind. Damn. They spent all summer taking out the old boiler and putting in a new one here. Now it's noisier and colder than ever before. I think I'll sleep in my clothes, with a jacket on.

  12. BLB, Maybe your date was waiting 4 hours for the next personality to appear.

  13. Fight! Fight! I'm placing my money on BLB!

  14. All my personalities are FUN!!! At least Most of them...

    And yes kk.... that would be a great bet that you could win a chunk o' change on!

  15. "never bring a tongue to a gun fight" Packing Barbie
