Monday, January 28, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

Real workaholics don't let the day of the week stand in their way.


  1. I'm with SER.... barely slept last night thanks to stress and a racing mind... geesh, what a way to start the week yippee!!!!!! at least it'll be warmer out, that may help

  2. Sigh, it's Monday again. The weather is warm though - 70. I wish I was outside to enjoy it instead of couped up at work.

  3. Mary and BeeJay....we need to have a gathering at your houses!

    Im busy all week again. blaaaagh

  4. SER, You can be, just learn not to leave the house. Every time you sit down In a comfortable chair, to sleep you will go. HOWEVER, I think you have too much energy for that. Just wait till you get OLD.

  5. BL, I see In your profile, you are "Medical/Post" Does post mean what I remember Post meaning. Autopsy? I watched one when I worked at St. Luke's In Racine. I'll tell you one thing for certain. They AIN'T doin one of those on anybody I love, If I have anything to say about It. What a crock. The guy got shot twice In the chest, and they cut him apart to find out what he died from. I guess he must have had a brain tumor, to stand In front of those two bullets? NOT

  6. How do I go about posting an article on JTI? Be specific please, I'm slow.

  7. DodgeBoy, Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I've been here a long time, and have actually posted, but darned If I know how I did It. I can't even change my GREAT cake. It's getting kind of stiff.

  8. TOAD... you are an absolute genius.
    You are the first person that absolutely ever questioned that. My jobs involve ...going...going...GONE!

    teehee a big hug to you for being a brainiac!

  9. Dodgeboy: you are half way there. You already have a gmail/blogger id. You need to be set up to have an "author account" to post blogs on this website. Send an email to the sheriff at

    The sheriff will send you an email back that contains a link. Click on the link to confirm your email address. Once that is complete, when you login, you will see a new menu bar which allows you to create your own blog/post on the JTI. It sounds difficult, but it isn't. We can help you further, if you need...

    Toad, click on the frog prince cake and you should be able to change your profile. Again, not difficult, but if you still are lost, we can help you further. No one should be stuck with stiff or stale cake! ;>

  10. for Dodgeboy you must speak

    s l o o o o o w l y
    Fear not Dodgeboy when it comes to computers, I'm right there with you being a techtard

  11. stiff or stale cake
    kk.........kaked kake
    And we ARE stuck with it! :)
