Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Open Blog - New Year

May this be the best year ever.


  1. Happy 2013. I napped, but woke up with 5 minutes to spare. It still counts, right?

  2. 2013 and counting.
    May the force be with you all.
    May all of us be a force for greater good.

  3. # 4 is boooooooooring.
    # 2 is sleeping beauty......Booooring
    # 1 is beep beep, beep beep, his horn went beep beep beep....
    Now the perrrrrfect set up for # 5

  4. Legal stranger...why is everyone so boooooring?

    You have a terd locked up?

  5. I have it in writing that at 10:58 pm he published the comment, "de beaux rĂªves." Your Honor, I felt completely within my "Legal" rights to take a little nap. ;>

    Besides, there will be another one, just like this one in a couple hundred days.

  6. We all made it to midnight, Toff and I were awake all the way to 2a.m. but now I'm dead today.. tried to snooze on the couch, but Maia did not think that was ok, so she woke me up.. just to 5 minutes later come and lay on me and fall asleep.. i call that is not nice.. Happy New Year

  7. I am here and no hangover this morning. I was up yesterday at 530am to 130am this morning with no nap. I don't know how I did it but I did. I hope everyone has a really good year.

  8. I'm up, guess the new year came while I was sleeping. Nice sleeping in, but not nice to go back to work tomorrow

  9. I woke up at 12:08 A.M. to a wonderful wish from my oldest daughter. What else could I possibly ask for?

    May 2013 be the time of our lives. To ALL a BETTER New Year.

  10. Hope you all have a Happy New Year...Just saying that to see if my picture 'took'. LOL LOL

  11. Well the laughs on me. I put a picture in my google account but it doesn't show here when I comment. What did I do wrong?

  12. Come on Sassa, get that booty picture up
    ► 2:41► 2:41
    Oct 28, 2006 - Uploaded by DirectorDME
    Song used in video is "Beep, Beep" by The Playmates (July

  13. toot toot

    So much for my hyperlinking


    hyperlinking when Sassa gets her booty picture up.

    terds terds and more terds all locked up with no place to go.

  14. toot toot

    So much for my hyperlinking


    hyperlinking when Sassa gets her booty picture up.

    terds terds and more terds all locked up with no place to go.

  15. Anon has developed a stuttering problem in 2013. ;>

    Sassa, try this and see if it helps:
    When logged in, click on your name, next to your most recent post (above)
    Look for "edit profile" in the upper, right corner of the new window.
    Click on that button and you should be able to add a profile picture.

    Good luck. I think you'll get it.

  16. kk..I did that and I have my picture on the google edit page. but when I post here it does not show. I'll post this and we will see. BTW I use the idenity google account

  17. Should I use 'openID' or Name/URL or Anonymous? Or Email folow-up comments to ....... The one I use is Sassa(Google Account) - sign out

  18. Ok..kk..I did what you said duh!!!!! this should do the trick.

  19. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you kk!

  20. Now that I can do this I changed my picture. Ok this will be the last comment!

  21. I'm so glad it worked. I like your little birdie picture. It suits you well! :)

  22. Nice pic of an Eastern Bluebird you have there, Sassa!

  23. Viva la revelucion, Racine! 2013 is the year of change.

  24. Now Sassa, We expect the little blue bird of happiness to chirp often on this site to enlighten us of your worldly wisdom.
    And yes I second VIVA le REVELUCION.

    Remember , politicians don't dream,
    they SCHEME.
