Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Let's dance.


  1. I ♥ polka. As a kid, it was great to watch the grownups in the bars start dancing when a polka came on the jukebox. Mostly, they just jiggled. The drunker, the more jiggling. - Yeah, but can they do it drunk?

    I'm watching a movie online entitled "The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy" (1957). I'm three-quarters through the movie and still no hint of a robot. Grr.

  2. what do people with 2 left feet do with their right shoes?

  3. Liz...people with two left feet never go out, all they do is walk around in circles!

    Slide'in at at #4 at 4:37, Who can't sleep again...or is it still?

  4. Anyone else notice Mr. SER's updated and attractive new avatar? SER, what is it you are holding? Have you taken up the sport of curling? :)

  5. It's Mr. Potato Head Jones. He's carrying the gold statue.

  6. There is a video out on the Daily Mail in London (or dolphin rescue Hawaii on U Tube). There was a dive team looking for manta's when a dolphin came up to one of the divers. Seems he was entangled in fishing line. It's a long video but really neat to watch how the divers help the dolphin. Made me tear up.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone and stay warm.

  7. That is SER's version of Bedtime Games (with his new avatar.)

    Altho I am not as old as some of these problems I ponder...

    How not to run out of money in old to live on social security at age 62 when you don't get medicare until 65.... I am exhausted now! There is no end to work in sight. There are no days off. How can I keep working until then?
    Where do you learn these things?

  8. KK, That's "Indy Tateo" with his whip in his left hand.

  9. Lizardmom.. give them to people with the wrong shoes.
