Friday, January 4, 2013

"The Penis Necklace"

Mon Dieu!


  1. My french may be a little rusty, mais je pense qu'elle disait aux garçons où et comment elle aime pénis d'un homme

  2. Orbs, I'm pretty sure that is universal.

    Ladies, can you just imagine how fun this necklace would be to wear at a party? Talk about yanking someones chain. lol

  3. Let Ron Popeil run with this chain as it will go well with the spray on hair GLH #9 (colored christmas tree flocking)

  4. I thought It was beautiful. Is It Sterling do you suppose?

    KK, I finally have seen the words "Sacre bleu" I never knew what they were saying. Sounded to me like Saclay blue. I still don't know what It means? Back Blue?

  5. Toad:
    Sacre bleu is a "high class" french term expressing disapproval.

    I have never seen or heard a literal translation of "Sacre".

    I think it follows the liking of
    "heycrumbra" in Spanish which also has no literal translation.

  6. Maybe men should wear them to indicate their level of interest in prospective mates. No interest - flaccid. Somewhat interested - half staff. Really interested - full salute

  7. Oh yeah Orbi, than the girls can literally yank our chain.

  8. Gentlemen really don't need to wear the necklace, orbs. They fly their own flag! lmao!

    Toad and Legal: From what I understand... could certainly be wrong, the term has the equivalent of "Holy cow." Sacre means sacred. Bleu means blue. I think the bleu refers to blue blood (elite, upper-class, royalty)? Now I'll have to hit up my friend, the french teacher, on Monday for clarification.

  9. Legal, You can't imagine how much I enjoyed seeing " Heycrumba" again.

    Speaking of other languages. I learned what "Rogering" means In England from a co-worker a while back. It really makes no sense. Roger must have been the first Englishman to be f*****?

  10. ¡Ay, caramba! (pronounced: [ˈai kaˈɾamba])

    comes from the Spanish interjection ¡ay! (denoting surprise or pain) and caramba (a minced oath, a euphemism for carajo; which is an exclamation used in Spanish to denote surprise (usually positive).[1] The term caramba is also used in Portuguese (Ai, Caramba!), where it used to be a minced oath for caralho, the Portuguese equivalent of the Spanish carajo.

    Sorry just get away
    with WAY WAY TOO MUCH!!!

    And kk, orbs and all you other
    believers and followers : ) teehee ...the french translation is:
    what the fuck - c'est quoi ce bordel..

    Not too universal there...

    But there are too many other things to yank other than a chain.... not the way I'd wanna
    spend my evening. bahahahahaha

    To me wearing a necklace like that is similar to the personality that
    a man has that must drive a Corvette. It screams "small penis" to me.. I would drive fat the other direction.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "I would drive FAT in the other direction"

    Yeah BLB Just keep driving fat !!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha :>

    Folks, that's what happens when the self appointed grammar pooooooolice
    decides to be a wisenheimer.

    In grammer school our french teacher often used the term Sacre bleu. She never gave us a literal translation other than it was a term used for disapproval or frustration.

    Now to address " ay carumba "

    In my high school years of Spanish classes, I never once heard the term ay caramba.
    Turn on a Spanish entertainment radio or tv station today and you will hear this term several times a day. I have used the term recently when I watched Spanish stations with the scantly clad dressed women

    And speaking of universal:
    BLB's original avatar figure is very universal with the double flipped birds.

    Have a great week everybody !

    1. Actually , legal, at car umbra was made
      Even more famous by Ricky Riccardo on the I Love Lucy show. That is when I first heard it and many times after that .

      Sacre blue .... Heard nuns saying it and all it is, is high class swearing! Not my gig

  13. Having trouble with iPhone is not user friendly.

    Ill just go drive away Fat...
