Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"The People vs. Winter"

Unfortunately, I can relate to that video. You probably can, too.


  1. There's some black & blue bodies there....

    You really have to watch the bridges when you drive across them, they feeze up fast

  2. SER, The freeze fast also. LOL. I don't know If they are doing It down by you, but up here on the Interstate, the bridges have this really rough brown stuff on the surfaces of the bridges. I still slow down on them. My dad taught me that when WE were young, that the air circulates around the bridge, and It freezes much faster.

    Orb's, Beautiful music, really made the video. I've never seen snow fall from roof's like that, but In Hurley, WI. they have signs on buildings warning of falling snow.

  3. Holy snorkies.

    Yes, I've kissed the pavement a few times and once did several unplanned donuts in the middle of a very busy intersection while trying to stop for the light.

    It is never funny when it happens to you. Why is it hard not to laugh when it happens to someone else?

  4. Shocking! I'm glad we don't have to put up with that very often.

  5. In the case of the People vs. Winter, I think the people lose.

    Last year I hit an icy patch on South Main and did a 360. It's a miracle I didn't hit anything or anyone.

  6. The very reason why I hate winter...
