Friday, January 11, 2013

Why they don't have school shootings in Israel.


  1. NO, They just have rockets falling down etc.

  2. Wow Toad, that's the same exact thought I had.

  3. When you are surrounded by populations sworn to destroy, then you have both duty and obligation to protect yourself. If you wait for help to arrive, you will probably be dead. As crazy as some preppers may look and sound, they are not waiting for some derelict government agency to decide if they will save them.

  4. legal, Who the hell wants to survive, If only a few million people are alive? Who Is running the Water Plant, The Power Plant, and on and on? What exactely Is the point of survival In that instance? It's not just a Tornado shelter.

  5. This scene is understandable considering how volatile the situation between Israel and the rest of the Middle east.

  6. We are only 3 generations away from the advent of city water,city sewer, electricity, paved roads, horseless carriages, radio, tv, ect. Our ancestors survived without all the conveniences we enjoy today. Slavery was supposed to end after the civil war, however the democrats and republicans have revived slavery to enslave the nation by legislation and taxes. I choose to not only survive, but also to fight evil wherever it crosses my path.

  7. I told legal stranger that he was my hero. Now you know why.

  8. Ahh schuks Orbi, I'm speechless, well almost.........

    The success of Racine County to remove a corrupt government official is directly related to this JTIrr's site and the help of Beth at Racine uncovered.

    The power of the internet has already exceeded that of the press. The credibility of the news press is at a all time low, and for good reason.
    Todays press is very bias and run by news people who lack conviction and moral obligations to the public.

    JTIrr's should be proud of the home site that you have created.

  9. Thank you, Legal. We are very proud and protective. For the regular-Irregulars, this is our home. We may not always agree on everything, but we treat each other with respect when we disagree. You can't find that many places anymore.

    Now, for that picture.. do we really want this scenario to occur in our schools? We practice lock down drills, we've enacted lockdowns when situations have arisen. I much, much prefer to entrust my safety to the police who are extensively trained in crisis situations than I trust a coworker cowboy who wants to save the day.


  10. KK, Now, for that picture…do we really want this scenario to occur in our schools?

    On one hand yes, but on the ‘reality hand’ no!

    That person would have to be highly skilled, highly trained and be physically fit to the max!

    The first time I flew into London Heathrow airport there were armed guards walking around carrying machine guns and armored vehicles driving around outside. Very intimidating, and I don’t think there was any of them under 6’3”, they were all big guys!!!!

  11. When the people fear their government there is tyranny, when the government
    fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
