Monday, February 25, 2013

A song from my era.

I turned 18 in May and graduated from high school in June; 5 DAYS after graduation I received my draft notice from the military.
This was in the heat of Viet Nam “confrontation”. This was the time when the US started to ‘escalate’ Viet Nam to calling it a war and everyone was going


  1. SER, I did too, but flunked my physical In Milwaukee. I suspect you didn't, but don't know the answer to that. SO, what's the rest of the story? I will never forget the trip back from Milwaukee on the Bus, and the horrible feeling some of the guy's had. One of them, he was pretty much a hippie from Horlick, tried to go crazy during the written test, and was removed, and ended up going again another time. I will never forget the jerk that addressed us when we got there. His name was Sgt. Hero. No shit, thats the truth. It was 1969 and I will be honest. Viet Nam was the last place In the World I wanted to go. I however never protested, or bad talked the vet's. My Brother In Law went for two tours In the Marine's, for the drugs, nothing else.

  2. You may have been on the same bus I was?

  3. I was in the first modern draft lottery. I got a number like 252, and they were thinking 150 or so would be enough. Even though I was in school, I stayed 1-A for a year, then went into a holding category, 1-H. They never got close to my number.

    I know a guy who saw a shrink and had himself declared crazy. Not only did he no have to go, but social services sent him to school (UWM) for "free."

    Country Joe's Fuck Song is a great rallying song.

  4. War by Edwin Starr was my song of choice. Dirty Bastard President Johnson made millions in war profits.

  5. Although I was born in this era, I can relate to much of the music that came from this time. In fact, I love most of it!

  6. Legal, I agree with you. Country Joe and the Fish were far from being a favorite War song. People forget, that a big part of the student riots etc. were from the Military programs In colleges. One of my real favorites was "Ohio" by CSNY. All In all It was an amazing time.

  7. Toad, I love the music of Crosby, Stills and Nash!

  8. Drew: Even Neil Young could sing, way back In the 60s.

  9. Toad, mine was in 1967, I never went either. I had high blood pressure and was over weight by 7 lbs. they could have kept me overnight and "removed" the 7lbs but they can't mess with the blood pressure.

    First time going to Milwaukee, I have never been yelled and cussed at so many times in one day in my life...gezzz.

    There was a black guy in front of me, pretty buff dude. when they drew blood instead of keeping his arm up and the cotton wad in place he just tossed it on the ground like a tuff guy...anothe guy said to him, I think your arm is bleeding, he looked down and the blood was streaming down his arm, tuff guys head went back and he passed right out of the sight and hit the floor. He wasn't to tuff after that....laugh'in

  10. I actually had to be tested 5 times before they changed my classifcation to 4-F. They could still draft me but I would have had to stay in the US and do paperwork and stuff like that.

    People would ask what I was classified at and I would tell them 1-LBJ. They would say what? I told them first person after Lady Bird Johnson.
