Thursday, February 14, 2013

a very ingenious advertising campaign to promote their dental floss. But ...... before I explain to you the main detail of these images,  I shall let you appreciate them quietly.

Alright ......... now that you've had time to quietly observe the images ....... * in the first photograph, you might have noticed that the lady has one finger too many on her left hand, * in the second photograph, a phantom arm is floating behind, * and in the third photograph, the man has only one ear. The campaign attained its purpose. It proved that food debris on your teeth draws more attention than any physical defect does. How well did you do ??


  1. All I can say is, is that spinach?

    I failed.

  2. I saw the first two...the hand in the top one doesn't even look like hers. I noticed that first then the extra finger. The arm in the second one is at a very strange angle, one I didn't think she could do from that position. The third one was tougher since his head is turned slightly to his right making the missing ear less noticeable.

  3. I got em all. I noticed the fingers pretty quick, and thought what the heck.

  4. I thought it was about the crest box on the lower left of the pictures.
