Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"'Breasts as Bombs' - FEMEN Says They'll Turn to Guns if Necessary"

Caution: Boob Alert.

"Published on Jan 29, 2013
"USER DISCRETION ADVISED -- But if you're offended, you're missing the point. The women of the activist group FEMEN use the female body as a weapon, not an object.

"What began with a few protests in the Ukraine has spread across the globe, wherever the powerful meet and the media gather to cover them. They were at it again at the most recent World Economic Forum in Davos, purposely getting themselves man-handled by beefy security guards. VOCATIV caught up with them a few weeks earlier, as they trained a group of able-bodied, new recruits in Paris.

"Click through to our site for more global news: http://bit.ly/14wr6kF"

"Nudity for me is my freedom." That's a great attitude.


  1. Jaaaaaaa.... So Orbs is up at 0102 hrs. and finding
    videos on YouTube about boobs. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

  2. I happen to agree with these women. What Is It with womens boobs? Every human has boobs. Why should women that don't feel they should have to cover them be arrested? Who the hell made boobs sacred?

  3. Isn't it common knowledge that if used correctly, all female bodies are weapons? Can we move to a new topic now, boys?

  4. You don't like bewb talkin'? No vajayjays either!

  5. They are weapons of mass destruction if women know the strategy. Next time you hear "your'e da bomb" you know your bewbs accomplished your motive.

  6. Boyz and their toyz

  7. KK, I guess with lots of thought put to the subject, they could be. That happens to be the opinion of a lady that cooks at the Sexual Predator Treatment Center here. She say's lots of young men are there because of contact with willing young women. I say "She Is full of It" But, In some cases It could be true, but I doubt very much If these young men had this happen only once?

  8. I actually found this video after 3 AM, but I changed the time of the post because I didn't want anyone to know I was up that late looking at boobs.

  9. Can you really treat sexual predators? .......... YES.

    Execution is the only sure treatment.

  10. Orbs, as always you crack me up.

  11. Legal, Actually your correct. They cannot be cured. Yes they can be treated, but NO cure will ever come from the treatment. That Is why I call the place a prison (much to the dismay to the City Fathers) The fact remains that The State of Wisconsin informed us that these men could never be cured, even before they built the facility. As for creating jobs, that was all a bunch of BS, by the City. I cannot state for certain how many local people are employed by the facility, but I know the GREAT majority of them transfered from places all over the state, and commute. Add to that, they don't spend a dime to help the area community. BTW, when do they put Razor Wire completely surrounding a Treatment Facility? Not to mention the guard towers.

  12. BL, I tell people all the time, when they are driving up the Interstate and come across exit 69 to keep going, because our great city has NOTHING to offer. I got snukkered (word sp) into moving with the company I worked for. Now I'm stuck with a house nobody would want In the city. It think about 110 homes are for sale here?

  13. Toad, Does the local radio station still have live on the air tradio?
    Over 30 years I bought a few items advertised live by the audience on the radio. That was reality radio.

  14. KK...how did you change your post from you to an anonie? Tell me!

  15. Toad...one man's trash is another man's treasure.

  16. Hey Toad, after careful review, I think BLB thinks you live in the treatment center. Missed it first round. And for kk I posted two more LIKES because she censored my second like, so now I have three likes on this post. song: hoe do you LIKE me now?

  17. What am I being accused of? Censorship? I've noticed sometimes in the clicking process, posts show as duplicates.

  18. DENY DENY DENY, this is the closest I get to Facebook and my likes get taken away. LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE
    Okay ,I am done :) song: second verse same as the first: hoe do you LIKE me now? :) :)

  19. I did not deny... I stated that often times there are accidental duplicates that are routinely cleaned up.

    And... you best not be calling ME a hoe, mister!!?
