Saturday, February 9, 2013

Canadian analysis of Conn. shootings

By: Howard Galganov, Canadian writer December 14, 2012

I was just about to publish my latest editorial... on Canada 's Supreme Court decision to suspend Freedom of Speech in favor of promoting one language over all others.  THEN THE CONNECTICUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS HAPPENED.
What happened at Sandy Hook School takes precedence over any language issues in Canada and a failed Judicial System in both our countries.
I won't waste words describing my feelings, because how I feel is indescribable about 27 people murdered, (20 young children and six adults at the school), the murder of the shooter's mother beforehand, then the cowardly suicide of the shooter at the school as law enforcement closed in.
It didn't happen because of the so-called gun culture, or because of poor security at the school.  It happened because of the modern LEFTIST culture that has been busy removing all semblance of personal responsibility and respect from our lives.
It happened because of the Hollywood and television types who lecture the Conservatives on how people should live, while they make FORTUNES producing absolute FILTH and VIOLENCE in their movies, videos and television programs.
It happened because of reality TV shows that demean humanity, along with shows that make people laugh at the pain and humiliation of others.
The senseless murders happened because multi-millionaire computer game producers create UGLY digital scenarios that poison young minds with abject depravity and gratuitous violence.
It happened because the school system doesn't teach values, and promotes the idea that "anything goes."  And that all people are equal, regardless of the truth.  And that no one ever fails.
It happened because LEFTISTS won't allow concerned and loving parents to discipline their children, or raise their children in the time-honored way they feel is right.
It happened because far too many Liberals spend their time and effort ridiculing and attacking the people who want to live by the lessons of the Bible and the Torah.
In truth, this and other horrible acts of violence happen because our society-from the entertainment industry to schools to the media and to our governments-have created the social and cultural foundation that is eating away at both Canada and the United States like a cancer.
I know that what I am writing will inflame those on the LEFT, but that's OK-because if they don't like it, they can ROT in HELL along with the demons and losers of their own creation.  I want my old country's values back.
Values like standing in school when an adult entered the room.  Like being seriously disciplined for bad behavior.  Like when we were measured by our successes and failures.  When not everyone had to waste years of his or her life going to college to study basket weaving instead of taking a trades course or going to work or the service right after high school.  When your Mom was a caring woman and your Dad was a real man, an authority in the home.  And when there weren't vulgar parades extolling the "virtues" of being gay.
If you want to stop the sickness . . . IT'S TIME TO STOP THE LEFT.
In sadness . . . Howard Galganov


  1. I don't agree. It didn't happen because of Democrats or leftists. It happened because this young man had serious mental and anger issues. It happened this way because this parent owned automatic weapons that she did not lock up and keep secure from her child. It happened as a random act of violence. If not guns, it could have been fire, a bomb or poison. We can't always stop intent to do harm.

    It is a horrible tragedy and it makes me angry that it is being used as a tool by both sides of an age old argument. Exaggeration is rampant and meant to incite and scare people. It is political and manipulative.

    The gun lobby (NRA) is using this to the max to lie to people that their constitutional rights will be eliminated. There needs to be compromise, because the wrong hands are getting dangerous weapons.

    Tanks, nuclear weapons, torpedoes are not for private sale and this does not infringe on your right to bear arms. These murderous assault weapons and large clips are for terrorists, military and mass killing. These are not for private protection or sport hunting. Many supporters of stronger gun control ie: regulations covering private sales and gun shows and background checks for felons, are actual gun owners and supporters.

    Read and inform yourself. Be careful about believing the propaganda that is out there in the email circuit.

  2. I could write a lengthy rebuttal but instead just feel like being the smartass that points out that by this logic, all those liberal European countries should have huge numbers of gun murders compared to the United States. Simplistic ideological rant is the nicest thing I can say about this.

  3. Thank you Tim. You can call them by any terminology and it doesn't change the reality. The weapons used in this shooting are not what normal gun owners need to reasonably protect themselves or use for sport.

  4. On a related note, concealed carry has been in Wisconsin 18 months now and there has not been a related surge in violence as some predicted.

  5. kk , the key word is reasonable, tyrants and tyranny are never reasonable, How about ending government immunity when government employees commit crimes, now that is reasonable. Where is the voice of reason and anger with Eric Holder and his band of criminals that has armed the Mexican drug cartels, killing hundreds of Mexican nationals and two Americans. I have done the marches against these criminal bastards in government, and they are both Damnocraps and Repulsicans.

  6. You are right, Legal. So many wrongs abound. The media has us focus on much that is often times trivial so that much of the graver issues slip by, until something resparks interest. Isn't that why people watch sports: to forget about the darker side of life?

  7. All this gun control should have been in force before the very first school shooting. Guess when that was? IN 1890. And today we are all still blogging and bickering about it.

    CONTROL is the word...not confiscation, erradication, and so on.

    Do more background checks, pass personality tests, keep the sale of guns sold as to the intent of purchase: such as police weapons, hunting weapons, home protection, military.

    And not just some Smoe off the street should be able to buy ammo.
    Your name and FOID should be recorded. No big clips for assault
    guns or ammo should be sold to Joe Smoe.

    Control..not confiscation for home protection.

    And who is going to do anything about all this anyways?

    Blog on.

  8. Many people complain and I know they do not even vote. Do something about it instead of sitting in your little apartments
    on your little laptops and blogging.

    We should also ban any jets in the air because they have been known to crash into skyscrapers!! No one is ranting about that.

    These issues are OLD issues way before video games were even invented. That article was

  9. Anonymous. When airplanes crash the NTSB does everything it can to make planes safer. When they crashed into the towers, Pentagon and in Pennsylvania, we all experienced tougher laws when flying.
    When too many were dying in cars we made cars safer by putting in seats belts, airbags and child safety seats.
    Certain gun magazines were made for one thing - to kill quickly and as many as possible.
    Why is it we can't talk about these issues sanely? One little comment results in the NRA screaming the government is trying to take your guns. Not true.
    I wonder, if a terrorist gets his hands on these kinds of weapons because of no backround check and he kills scores of people, will something be done then?

  10. The three greatest lies ever told
    1. I am from the government and I am here to help you.
    2. More taxes will solve the problem.
    3. The government will protect you.

    I estimate approximately 80% of government employees are inept, lazy and/or corrupt, that means less than 20$ of our government employees really care about being good public servants. Support the good servants and can the rest of the pagans. We have educated idiots, criminals and derelicts running our government. We already have laws in place to protect the public, but are not enforced.

    When you talk of the 9/11 flights by terrorist, how many of you know the story of FBI agent Coleen Rowley.
