Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my snow cones!  How are you?  Wisconsin winter is back.  The snow is good for the drought.  What I really dislike is the subzero stuff.  We haven’t had too much of that this year and I’m not complaining.  Please, please be very careful walking and driving in this stuff. If you don’t have to go out, don’t.  Hip hip hooray for the plow drivers who remove the snow from our streets and roads. 

Señor Zanza bought us a snow blower for Christmas.  It’s a big one with knobby tires.  Junior loves it.  He couldn’t wait to go out and use it.  He has kept our sidewalk and driveway spotless.  I told him about some elderly and/or disabled people in the neighborhood who probably could use help in snow removal.  I thought it would be beneficial for Junior, too, to do some volunteer work for those less able than him.  Imagine my surprise when I recently learned that he’s been charging those people $20 an hour to remove snow.  Oh my.  His father wasn’t around much, but sometimes Junior acts just like him.

I also discovered that Junior calls Señor Zanza “Señor Xanax” behind his back because of his cool and calm nature.  Oh dear.  When I asked what he calls me, he mumbled something.  “What?” I demanded.  Junior said that “some” of his friends refer to me as a psychotic, rather than a psychic.  Childish, harmless name calling, that’s all.  Who will care this morning when “some” of Junior’s friends wake up quacking like ducks?  Tee hee.

I read that Mr. Ex-Mayor Becker has been released from prison and placed in Racine County.  Oh my.  The circus continues.    

I’ve also been reading Racine Exposed [] and Racine in Ruins [].  Triple oh my, oh my, oh my!  If I read too much of those, I get depressed.  Our local leaders actively work against us.

Here, instead, is an inspiring story to uplift your heart:

That’s absolutely beautiful. 

Thank you, dears, for stopping by to read my blog.  All readers are welcome: regular, irregular, and illiterate.  I love you all.  You make my day.

Junior’s snow blowing, cheap:

Again, be careful out there, my dears. In less than a month, it’s spring. Keep a watchful eye out for signs of the season.  We all need encouragement.  Bedizen!  


  1. I remember having to shovel the snow when we had a blizzard when I was younger. I have also been plowed out of my driveway, that was really fun at night time. Now I live in an apartment so I don't have to shovel and it is really nice.

    I hope Junior doesn't charge people that can not really afford it. When I was younger I would go and shovel for our neighbors for free.

  2. I must admit, I have a hidden childish humor. I giggled a bit over the name association. I guess it bodes well in understanding (and often forgiving) the students I serve. I do admire those like Senor Xanax, for their calm and cool demeanor. I strive for that everyday when chaos abounds.

    We always shoveled both neighbors houses on each side when we were children. We never asked for anything in return. Sometimes we'd get cookies or a dollar afterward, but it was never the reason for doing it. Times are different. We really live in a "me" generation, which seems to get incrementally more about "me" every day.

  3. The story of the basketball game Is "Priceless" Thank You.

  4. The basketball game was true sportsmanship.

    All were winners.

  5. The basketball video brought a tear to my eye. Thanks, Mme. Z.

  6. Note to self. When Madame says is a sweet video, make a note to watch later. Not right after applying mascara.
    Thanks Madame.

  7. Oh dear,
    sorry for the smear.

  8. basketball game...most excellent video

  9. Charge the people that can afford it tho, JR!
    You need to survive in this world and learn to be independant

  10. That video was something.... A tearjerker for sure.
